Chapter Seventeen

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I wasn't used to having a day off without having to work a job and spent the day cleaning my house to perfection. I anxiously awaiting a call from Hector, one that never came. Before I knew it, it was time to pick up my neices and nephew.
It felt weird cooking dinner for kids instead of being out there kicking ass, but I was slowly adjusting. The kids were all nestled away in their beds now and I moved to their rooms to pop my head inside and check in on them after I had taken a shower.
I didn't know how my sister did it all by herself, but she did. This taking them to school, cooking, and watching over them wasn't me, but I was willing to try for their sake. After all, they were the only blood I had left.
I adjusted my body underneath the sheets and closed my eyes letting out a content sigh. Things between the kids and I were beginning to smooth out. Sure, there was still some stuff that needed to be worked on, but I think everything was going to be alright now.
Something hit my window causing my eyes to fly open and body to sit upright in bed. Seconds later another sound came from the window sounding like a sharp 'tap'.
"What the f*ck?" I whispered to myself and stood from my bed pulling out a handgun from my nightstand drawer. Another 'tap' could be heard as I neared the window and parted the curtains with one hand while holding my gun with the other.
Looking down, I saw a dark silhouette below that tossed something up at the window once again causing it to smack against the window pane. I lifted up the window and drew in a sharp breath when a small pebble hit dead center on my forehead. Shock stunned me for a split second, but then the steady throbbing coming from my forehead set me straight.
My hand flew to my forehead feeling it began to throb with a steady ache and I let out a growl when I looked down ready to blow off someone's head.
"What the fu--YOU?!" I accused when the figure took a step back into the flooding moonlight bathing themselves in the its radiance. Andrei.
"You. What the hell do you think you're doing, you f*cking asshole?" I asked in an accusing tone while feeling my jaw tighten and body tense up.
"Come down here," Andrei called up.
"No f*cking way," I growled out. "You just hit me with a damn rock. What the f*ck are you doing here?"
"I came to talk to you," Andrei said with a carefree shrug of his shoulders. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you with a rock, babe." His 'meaningful' apology made me feel so much better....not.
"Go away before I kick your scrawny ass," I harshly warned.
"You'd have to come down here to kick my ass, babe," Andrei smoothly remarked. Asshole.
"Go away, Andrei. I already told you to leave me alone,"I stated dryly and moved my head out of the window so that I could close it.
"Wait!" Andrei frantically called up to me making me groan with growing agitation.
"What?" I snapped.
"Come down here," Andrei said with sincerity. "Please." I nibbled on my bottom lip as I quickly ran the idea through my head.
"" With my curt answer, I slid the window closed and drew the curtains back in place. I placed the gun back into its drawer then sat on the edge of my bed and ran a hand through my hair. My head snapped back up and I let out an annoyed growl when I heard the tapping sound continue.
I wasted no time and quickly made my way out of my room and downstairs not bothering to put on any shoes before I stepped outside. I wrapped my bare arms around myself feeling a cool breeze tickle my skin as I briskly walked barefoot around the house.
"Finally," Andrei sighed when he saw me nearing him. I dropped my arms to my side and balled up one of my hands into a fist when I came closer. "I was beginning to--"
Andrei didn't get to finish his sentence because I swung my fist out clipping him on his jaw sending him stumbling back from the force. He recomposed himself before he could fall and grabbed his jaw while looking at me with pure suprise on his face.
"Jade, what the hell?" He asked in shock.
"Get off my property right now before I go and get my gun," I demanded and pointed towards the road signaling for him to leave.
"Come on, Jade," Andrei pleaded. "I just want to talk."
"F*ck you," I spat out bitterly and thrusted my knee foreward to connect it with his groin. I couldn't even register what happened before I was lying on my back in the dirt with one of Andrei's hands underneath my knee.
"Why do you always have to be so violent?" Andrei asked with a sigh. I knew my eyes darkened because I felt my body begin to boil with anger. I reared back my other leg and planned to kick him in the groin with my foot only for my ankle to be captured by Andrei's hand.
I let a small scream of suprise when Andrei tugged me towards him dragging my back against the ground most likely getting all kinds of twigs and shit in my hair. He crouched down letting go of my legs causing my lower half to fall to the ground. I sat up finding our faces level and just centimetres apart. His warm breath fanned against my face sending an involuntary tingle up my spine.
"Now, let's talk," Andrei said with a pleased smile and placed his hands on my hips. I swatted his hands away and stood from the ground doing my best to try and brush the dirt and leaves from my legs and butt.
"You shouldn't be here, Andrei," I said lowly.
"Talk, that's all I want to do," Andrei explained.
"Start talking then and make it quick," I muttered and crossed my arms across my chest trying my best to ignore how the action drew Andrei's attention to my breasts.
"I heard there's been some bad shit happening lately," Andrei started and moved his eyes from my chest to my eyes.
"There's always bad shit happening," I said dryly.
"Like, entire were-gangs disappearing over night?" Andrei asked pointedly.
"I'm listening," I encouraged instantly becoming intrigued because of his words.
"Mad Harry's place was burned down to the ground last night. No survivors were found, no evidence of who did it, nothing," Andrei continued.
"And, you're telling me this because?" I drew out my words.
"Because, you need to watch out for yourself," Andrei stated. "Someone, or someones, have been ghosting weres like they're just f*cking ants. Not just individuals, but full on gangs." If I didn't know Andrei, I'd say he was worried. However, I did know that asshole and Andrei was never worried about anyone. I doubted that he even ever worried about himself. He cared about no one and nothing, that's why he is who he is. That's why he's notorious. He may be a damned asshole, but he's smart and cunning. Those traits can make even the weakest of men powerful and deadly.
"How come I haven't heard about any of this until now?" I asked questionably.
"Your organization doesn't associate themselves with our kind, so they wouldn't know. But, someone's out there ghosting werewolves and you need to watch yourself," Andrei explained.
"I can take care of myself, " I said with sturdy confidence in my words and saw Andrei smirk.
"I know you can, babe," he held his smirk. "But seriously, keep your eyes open."
"Thanks for the advice," I muttered dryly and turned to walk away.
"Hey Jade," Andrei called after me causing me to stop and turn around. "Nice shorts, by the way. They really bring out the shape and definition of your ass." I scowled at his sly grin and turned around to continue walking away.
"Get out of here, asshole!" I yelled over my shoulder and heard him chuckle.
"See you later, babe!" He called after me. Asshole.


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