Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I sat with my back against the headboard and my laptop on my lap as I searched through the internet for anything referring to the Decephials of the Behemoth. There wasn't any information at all and it was getting frustrating. My only hope for information was in Waylon, however he didn't reply to my email and I wasn't sure if he ever would.
My eyes moved to glance up at the bathroom door when I heard it open. Steam rolled into the room when a half naked Andrei stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but a pair of black Calvin Klein boxers that left little to the imagination. His damp hair stood in all different angles and directions from being towel dried and water still beaded his taunt, tattooed skin. My god. I forgot how many damn tattoos he had and those muscles....SHIT.
I quickly turned my attention back to my laptop when his silvery-blue orbs met my brown ones. Heat crept up my neck to flush my cheeks a strawberry red and my heart began to pick up its pace in my chest.
"Ever heard of pants and a shirt?" I spoke down to my laptop so that I wouldn't have to look into his eyes that I knew were burning into me from where he still stood in front of the bathroom entrance.
"Ever heard of not dressing like a nun when you go to bed?" Andrei countered as he walked towards the blue, ocean themed bed. I immediately looked down at the black pajama bottoms and baggy white t-shirt that I wore. I brought my gaze to meet his eyes when I felt the bed dip.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, amusement danced in his blue and silver swirling eyes.
"You used to go to bed in nothing but my shirt and a pair of panties. Now, you're going to bed fully clothed." Andrei smirked and plucked at my pajama bottoms. I smacked his hand away then closed my laptop.
"It isn't any of your business what I wear." I quietly fumed as I leaned down to place my laptop down on the floor. I heard Andrei let out a pained grunt and quickly turned to face him finding his eyes to move and meet mine.
"What's wrong?" I asked thinking he was hurting or sick.
"That ass."Andrei smirked and I felt more heat flush my cheeks. "Aw, you're blushing."
"Asshole." I growled then settled myself down against the bed with my back facing Andrei. Andrei chuckled and turned off the lamp. I rolled my eyes when I felt him slowly and cautiously shuffle closer to me against the bed. I stiffened when I felt his hand find my shirt underneath the sheets then slowly slip under it.
I stayed stiff as a board when I felt his fingers trail against my skin leaving goosebumps in its wake before splaying his large hand against my stomach and pushing my body back into his. He conformed my body to his and I took in a shaky breath when I felt his hardened bulge press against my back. F.uck.
My eyes remained wide awake simply staring into the dimly lit room, the only light coming in from the slightly parted curtains. I could feel it pulsing against my back and feel the mass amount of heat that came from his raging erection radiat through my own body heating me up in places that shouldn't be reacting at all right now.
To make things even more uncomfortable, even more unbearable, Andrei nuzzled his face in my hair, his burning breath fanning against the back of my neck. A delicious shiver crept up my spine. The fire that was building in my lower abdomen blazed hotter when I felt his lips against my neck where he placed slow, small kisses there.
If even possibly, he shifted closer causing his erection to press even more into my lower back. I didn't know if he was doing this on purpose or not, but I couldn't control my body's natural instincts.
I became aware of how my cl!t began to throb with unsaturated need and heat. Liquid desire dampened my s.ex and panties making things even more uncomfortable. Stupid hormones. I hoped he wouldn't notice what his body was doing to mine as he continued to place kisses along the back of my neck in an affectionate manner.
All too soon, his lips stopped against my neck and his hand slid from my stomach to my hip where he lightly squeezed there. A low growl rumbled from his chest and I felt my body being flipped onto my back so fast that I almost got whiplash.
Andrei was on top of me before I knew it, bracing himself up by his hands as he hovered above me. His eyes glowed a swirling shade of blue and silver as he stared down at me.
"I can't stop myself, Jade." His voice quivered with the primal need that was burning through his body as well as mine. The natural need to mate was pulling us together by a unseen force. The chemistry between our bodies called to one another. "Just let me taste you, let me tame the beast just a little bit." There was a pleading to his voice.
If Andrei hadn't lied to me then he hasn't had sex in three years. That was a long time for anyone to go without sex. For a full-blooded male werewolf that was an insanely long time. It had been a little over two years since I've had sex or been touched and my primal side was basically clawing for that kind of affection.
This was wrong. I shouldn't be thinking these things and feeling these things for him anymore. He had done me wrong and I wasn't the type to believe in second chances. I didn't ask for anyone to give me a second chance and wasn't about to give any out to people.
I wanted Andrei. I wanted him in a sense of how we were. I wanted what we had, but a fine boundary had been broken. Maybe one day I could forgive him, maybe we could rekindle a part of that connection we once had but I didn't want him to think he could just walk over me. Jade Soto was no one's bitch, no one's doormat.
Andrei had hurt me. Despite that, I couldn't bring myself to hate him because if you loved someone it was forever. At least that's what I believed in.
"I can't let you break me again. " My voice was faint as I recalled that night. I loved. F.uck, I still loved him, but I couldn't let him f.uck me up like that again.
"Not without breaking myself and believe me I don't want to go through that ever again. Forgive me, please?" Andrei begged. My hands slowly slid up the bulging muscles of his arms then up to his shoulders then up more to finally cup his defined cheeks.
"I can forgive you, but I can't get close enough for you to hurt me again. I feel like if I try to go back to how things were it would be kind of like giving you an extra bullet to kill me all over again. I won't make that mistake and trust you again, but I can forgive you. I'll never forget though." My voice was quiet and I felt my throat constrict from the words I was speaking. It was true what they said: it was easier to forgive than to forget. He had been the best friend that I ever had, once upon a time.
Whether we were lovers or not, he was the best friend I ever had and when everything around me was uncertain he was the one constant thing in my life. He was the one thing I could count on. He had broken my trust and in one moment he destroyed everything we had. I could never trust him fully again, never truly forget what he did in that one moment, but I could forgive. I could forgive not for him, but for me. It was time I moved past this, it was time I accepted the past for what it was. We would never be what we once were and Andrei would have to live with that.
Hurt swam in his eyes in the moonlight and he slowly moved from above me to lay on his back. His face was upturned to the ceiling as he lay there silently. I turned my back to him and tried to get some sleep that I knew I wouldn't be able to find.


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