Fancy Dinner

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Tonight was a big night for the Makara family. Other high bloods were coming over for a dinner party, and it's the first any one them are going to see if you. Naturally you're adorable... But your still a grub, not very useful yet. They may not really approve of you.

Kurloz was brushing your soft black hair, and put a purple bow in it. He then slipped you into a little grub dress that was also purple, making sure your family colors were on you, despite your blood color. He smiled softly and patted your head. You cooed softly and nuzzled his hand.

Then Kurloz started to work on your makeup, normally he didn't put makeup on you, since he thought you were already cute enough. Gently he put some makeup on your little face, making you look like a true Makara. Well you were, but now you looked more like Grand High Blood.

Kurloz then got fancied up himself. He looked quiet stunning. You were sitting on his dresser and clapped your little feelers. Kurloz smiled and picked you up, carrying you towards the dining hall, where the dinner was being held. Gamzee was there, looking very out of place. Gamzee wasn't one for being dressed up. Well, the Makara's didn't really like to dress up, but being a high blood you had to dress up sometimes.

Slowly, the hive filled with high bloods. The Amporas, were the first to arrive. Of course Eridan was complaining, and Cronus was a little afraid of Kurloz, you held you close to him. No way in hell was he letting Cronus near you. Dualscar was talking to Grand High Blood, who looked very nice for once. His hair was almost brushed (motherfucking miracles).

Soon the rest of the high bloods filed in, and all sat around the large dining table. The food was served and you sat in your little high chair, right between Gamzee and Grand High Blood, who was at the head of the table. "So High Blood, I didn't think yer wwould be someone to take in a random grub." Dualscar commented. "Well, first motherfucking Gamzee found her, and I wasn't motherfucking keen on the idea of a motherfucking grub, but he convinced me. She's pretty motherfucking wicked. I'm planning on letting her cull some motherfuckers." He smirked and patted your head, making you coo.

"Well she is adorable." Feferi giggled. "Wwell, I guess she is a little cute..." Erdian added in, trying to seem appealing to Feferi. Cronus was going to say something, but Kurloz gave him the mother of all death stares. Mindfang giggled. "Oh she'll make a great little princess. I'm sure she'll be just like you, Highblood." She smirked. "Does she like spiders?" She asked. "I've seen her eat a motherfucking spider." Gamzee commented. Mindfang looked horrified. Highblood sighed. "Gamzee that was a motherfucking chocolate chip from Earth." He sighed. "So she might like spiders..."

The diner went on for a while, then dessert was served. After dessert, some high bloods left and some stayed for a bit, but it was getting late, so Gamzee was going to take you to bed. He carried you up the stairs, as you let out a yawn. He carefully took your dress off and got the bow out of your hair. He then cleaned the makeup off of you. "There you go, sis." He smirked and patted your little head. "Time for bed..." He smiled as he lowered you into the sober and kissed your head. "Night sis."

Little Miss Highblood (Makara Family X Grub!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now