The Faygo Maze (Part 1)

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This was suggested by Amalia_Hakari thank you for the idea!!!

You were outside, playing with Gamzee and Kurloz. Grand Highblood was also out there, gathering faygos from the Faygo bushes and trees. Now, to get to the bushes, you had to go through a maze. Each Makara knew their way around it, but not you. You wanted to see Grand Highblood, so you moved your little grubby butt, and went into the maze. You seemed to do pretty well... Until you hit a dead end. You pouted and turned back, trying to remember where you were going, but you hit another dead end.

Getting a bit scared, you ran all around, but kept hitting a dead end. You teared up (blood color) tears and squeaked for Grand Highblood. You squeaked, and squeaked for a long time, but no one responded to your cried for help. Trying to calm down, you looked around. Maybe you could chew your way through the bushes? You (tried to) jumped through a bush, but it was way to thick! You fell down on your grubby butt, and started to cry again.

You wailed your little heart out. The night slowly crept up on you, and now it was dark, and very scary. It was also getting pretty cold. Your cried turned into quiet little sobs. Sleepiness overcame your little mind, and you drifted into a tired sleep.

A shadow loomed over your little body. Wings fluttered softly, as two strong arms picked you up, and wrapped you into a small blanket. The mystery man smiled and flew off into the night.

Grand Highblood was freaking out, honking at everyone. His little grub went missing. His. Little. Grub. Went. Missing. He barked orders at his slaves and guards to search the whole castle for you. "FIND MY MOTHERFUCKING GRUB OR ELSE I WILL MOTHERFUCKING KILL YOU ALL!" He barked at a group of guards. They nodded and ran off. He growled and grabbed his clubs. He was pissed. A shadow loomed over one of the windows. He looked over and saw a certain troll carrying you away.


Little Miss Highblood (Makara Family X Grub!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now