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Grand Highblood's hair... It was a mystery to you. It was so long, and so curly, and so pretty! You just wanted to touch it! So that's what you planned to do! You snuck into the throne room, and saw him sitting up in his big throne. He looked like he was off thinking about something. So you crawled around the back of the throne, and started to climb up the back. You softly landed on the top of his head, and buried yourself in it.

It was so soft! And smelled like Faygo! You purred and nuzzled your cheeks into his fluffy hair. Grand Highblood took notice. "(Name)? Is that motherfucking you?" He asked. You squeaked a yes to him. "What are you doing all up and in my motherfucking hair?" He asked, a bit annoyed. You only cooed and nuzzled his hair again with your face. He sighed and decided to just let you have fun in his hair.

Hi guys~ thank you for reading my book! I have a bit of writers block at the moment, so I'll take request! I figured you guys might have some totally adorable ideas!

Little Miss Highblood (Makara Family X Grub!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now