heathers is great

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"veronica, why are you pulling my dick?"

"did you eat a brain tumor for breakfast?"

"my teen angst now has a body count"

"how very"

"i love my dead gay son"

"i'm always red"

"are we going to prom or to hell?"

"fuck me gently with a chainsaw!"

"grow up, heather. bulimia's so '87"

"chaos is great! chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling"

"what's your damage, heather?"

"you're not a rebel, you're fucking psychotic!"

"so, should i just whip it out? or..."

"why are you being such a megabitch?"

"i say we just grow up, be adults and die"

"i guess i picked the wrong time to be a human being"

"i left him drunk and flailing in cow shit"

"our love is god. let's go get a slushie"

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