Taiga Aisaka x Male Reader [Part 1]

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You were the new kid at school. You enrolled a little late and it took some time to get you in, so you came in when the school year was a couple weeks in. Nonetheless, you got in.

You were walking in on your first day and tried to find your classroom. You found it easily with the help of some schoolmates. When you got to the door of your classroom, you took a deep breathe for good measures and walked in.

Almost immediately, a girl caught your eye. She was a short brunette sitting at her desk with her arms folded. She looked mad but... also really cute. The bell rang and everyone in the class room made their way to their seats.

"Um... Where can I sit?" you asked the teacher.

"Hm? Oh. Just take a seat anywhere." the teacher replied.

You sat down by the girl that had caught your eye and sat down. You turned towards the girl and introduced yourself.

"Hi! I'm [F/N] [L/N]." you said cheerfully towards her.

She gave you a cold look and turned her face away. Ouch.

"Uh... What's your name?" you said.

"Taiga Aisaka." she replied quietly.

"Nice to meet you" you said.

"Shut up." she said.

Jeez. This girl was cold. Yet... there was something about her that drew you to her.

You decided to leave her alone for the remainder of school day. Maybe she was just having a bad day? Oh well.

At the end of school when everyone was still packing up, you approached Aisaka again.

"Hey... I feel like we got off on the wrong foot." you said as you held out your hand for a shake "I'm [F/N] [L/N]"

"I know. Now shut up and leave me alone." she said at you, quickly packing up her stuff and speed-walking out.

You thought you saw a little pink on her face but you quickly discarded the thought.

A few weeks passed and you only made minimal progress with trying to be friends with Aisaka.

The question still remained however: Why were you still trying? All she did was barley speak 5 words to you and walk away.

One day when going to school you were stopped by Aisaka.

"Uh... hey Aisaka..." you said nervously. She never really talked to you, she only answered (barely).

"Is there something that you wanted to t-" you started.

"Meet me by the bench in the park entrance after school. Got it?" she said sternly.

"Okay?" you said a bit confused.

Why did she want to meet you there? You thought she hated you! After that, the rest of the day seemed to drag. Why did she want to meet you there? It just didn't add up.

After what seemed to be forever, school was over. You decided to take your time so that Aisaka could get to the park first so she could tell you whatever she wanted to tell you.

After a little walk, you arrived at the park. You saw Aisaka standing near a bench tapping her foot. She glanced over at you. You just stood there. Was this even a good idea? You had heard rumors around school that she had broken a guy's nose once... You were starting to have major second thoughts.

"Well? Did you freeze up? Come here!" Aisaka said.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry..." you said walking over to her slowly.

You finally approached her. She looked up at you. Mad. This was probably the wrong choice.

"Listen... But you can't tell anyone at school, you got that?" she said.

You nodded your head quickly in understanding.

"Good..." she started. Then she turned away her head to hide a... blush? There was no doubt about it. She was blushing. "I... like you, okay..." she said, her voice trailing off.

"W-what?" you said confused, blushing.

"You heard me, right?" she said, looking at you with her arms crossed and her face a shade of pink.

You nodded yes.

"Good..." she said. All of the sudden, she grabbed you by the collar and kissed you.

It was a long kiss. A passion-filled one.

She pulled away from you after what seemed to be a long time.

"Tell anyone at school and I'll pummel you..." she said with a dark red blush.

She gave you a cold look and walked away.

You watched her walk away but then... she stopped.

She looked back at you and gave you a warm smile. And you smiled back.

You could now confirm it.

She loved you.

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