Yuki Nagato x Male Reader

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 You were walking alone after school sleepily to your [club of choice] club. You had taken a big test today so you spent a long time studying the night before to make sure you aced it.

"Why does the club have to be such a long walk..." you complained.

You approached the door where you thought your club was and opened the door.

You saw Nagato Yuki sitting there, reading a book. What was she doing in the [club of choice] club?

Nagato looked up from her book at you.

There was an awkward silence in the room for a while.

"Uh... Hi, [F/N]..." Nagato muttered.

"Hi..." you muttered back.

You and Nagato weren't exactly close friends but you weren't exactly strangers. She was in your class but you never got the chance to really talk to her all that much.

More awkward silence. Sheesh, this was killing you. You didn't wanna leave without saying anything because that'd just be plan rude but you didn't want to keep this unbearable silence.

"What are you doing here...?" Nagato asked.

"This is the [club of choice] club... Right?" you asked.

"No... This is the Literature club's room..." she said.

You took a few steps out of the room and looked at the sign.

It read Literature Club.


You took a step back in the room.

An embarrassed blush grew on your face.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know! I was just tired from studying all night and I must've thought this was the room I was supposed to be in because I just seemed to be walking for ever and ever from how tired I was and I, I..." you stammered on and on.

You sighed. Great. Now you looked like an idiot.

"I-It's fine, really, [F/N]..." she said.

"Um..." you started.

"Change of topic! Yeah, that'll help!" you thought.

"Sorry... Again." you cleared your throat. "So uh... Where's Kyon and Asakura?" you asked.

"Oh... Uh..." she scratched her head. "Well Asakura's sick and Kyon's on some trip..." she was silent for a couple seconds. "It's been kinda lonely, honestly..." she said looking down.

Poor girl. She looked really sad. Was their anything you could do? Would it be weird if you kept her company? Should you just go home?

"Uh... Well how about if I keep you company?" you said, a little nervous about her answer.

She looked back up and you a bit surprised. "R-Really?" she said.

"Yeah, of course! I mean... We are friends after all" you said.

Her face lit up and then she smiled sweetly.

"O-Okay! Have a seat!" she said, her beautiful smile staying on her face. "Do you have a book?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah I actually do. It's about the ten billionth time I've read it though" you said laughing softly.

"Well if you want to read another book, feel free to read one here!" she said.

"Thanks" you said, smiling back.

Why not take up the offer? Like you said, you've read your book more times than necessary and it'd probably make her happy, too. Kill two birds with one stone!

You started looking around for a book to read.

After a little searching, you found one.

You sat down and started to read it when Nagato said something.

"Uh... [F/N]?" she said.

You looked up at her. "Yeah?"

She blushed. "Do you think you could maybe... Join the Literature Club? Ya know, to spend a little more time together? I-I mean like... Get to know each other better?" she said.

You were kind of shocked but at the same time, not... for some reason. "Well, I'd have to get someone in my place for the [club of choice] Club... But, yeah! I'd love to!" you said.

Her blush intensified. Her whole face was practically blushing now. She smiled. Almost uncontrollably. It was... cute. Adorable, in fact. "T-Thanks... That means a lot." she said.

"Anything for you." you said. Wait a minute... That wasn't what you planned to say. Weird. Either way, she looked happy. Extremely happy, in fact.

After that she buried her book in her face. "Too far?" you questioned yourself. Nah, she was smiling!

After a while of reading your book, you found a place to stop in your book and then put it back. "Well... I'd outta be on my way" you said.

"Y-Yeah, I'd better go too." she said, packing her book.

You started to walk out the door when you were stopped by Nagato. She grabbed your sleeve and tugged on it a little. She was shaking. What was wrong? Was she sick? "Hey um [F/N]?" she said, shakily.

"Yeah, what's up?" you said.

"T-Thanks." she said. She gave you a cute, small kiss on your cheek and then sped-walked away.

You were in a tiny shock. You touched the place she kissed on your cheek. You smiled.

Nagato looked back at you with a red blush on her face and waved.

You waved back. You had a good feeling about the Literature Club. A really good feeling.

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