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Y/N ~ Your Name
Y/OBF/N ~ Your Old Best Friend

Your POV

Me and Ethan were at the mall shopping trying on clothes for Coachella. {A/N Twins are at Coachella, wish I there ;( }

While we were walking to another store, I saw one of my old guy best friends from middle school.

"Y/N?" He says.

"Y/OBF/N?!" I say running up to him engulfing him into a hug.

"Yo wassup! How's it going?" He says.

"I'm good!" I say as Ethan comes from behind me.

"This is my boyfriend Ethan! Ethan, this is Y/OBF/N! He was a old friend from middle school." I say happily as they shake hands.

"Well it was nice seeing yah." He says as a blonde guy calls from behind him.

"I'm coming Jake!" He yells to the guy.

"Bye guys." He says.

"It was nice meeting you Ethan."
Y/OBF/N says.

Ethan nods and we continue walking to the store, but Ethan stays silent.

"Wow that was crazy." I say as Ethan stays silent.

"Babe." I say.

"Babe." I say.

"Babe! What's wrong?!" I say.

"That guy." He mutters.

"Y/OBF/N?" I say.

"Yeah! He was clearly flirting with you, well he was trying!" Ethan says rudely.

"What the hell are-" I say.

"Are you cheating on me with that "old best friend of yours?" He says quoting it with his fingers.

I give him a odd look. "He-"

"It's true!" He says instantly turning mad.

"BABE! SHUT THE FUCK UP." I yell which instantly makes him listen.

I sigh. "Since you wouldn't give me a chance to talk." I say looking back at Y/OBF/N.

"Y/OBF/N is gay! Look!" I say pointing him.

He was making out with that guy Jake that called him.

Ethan's jaw drops as I slapped him.

"You deserved that." I say playfully rolling my eyes.

"I'm so sorry babe." He says hugging me tightly.

"I just got so jealous, I didn't know what to think, I'm so-" He blabbers.

"Babe it's okay, it was kind hot." I smile while kissing him.

"What do you mean? I'm always hot." He smirks while resting his forehead on mine.


Lol I don't event know what this is anymore.

Thanks to dolan_supporter for suggesting tonight's chapter.

Also thanks for reading, and as always.


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