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Y/N ~ Your Name

Your POV

Ethan has been going to clubs and parties every night and coming home wasted, and when we do spend time with each other, he always calling his friends, talking about parties.

I just feel like he doesn't want me anymore, or I'm just not good enough.

But today we got into an argument when I was trying to ask why he kept doing this.

"Y/N just chill! I'm just having some fun." Ethan says.

"Well you've been having "fun" every night! I barely even see you anymore! I can't even remember the last time you actually stayed the night with me." I say raising my voice.

"Well Y/N your so clingy and so selfish." He says.

I chuckle. "I'm clingy. I'm clingy. I. As in me. Clingy." I laugh.

"Oh I'll remember that Ethan Grant Dolan." I smile.

"But you are! You never take your hands off of me!" He says irritated.

"Well when was the last time I hugged you. Or kissed you. Or any other things like that!" I yell.

He stays silent.

"Exactly, because while you were on your phone busy with your friends talking about parties, I left! I wasn't even there! I felt like I was being ignored. And guess what. I was. Because you didn't even know I left after all those phone calls." I sadly smile.

"Babe.." Ethan says.

Tears fall from my eyes as my smile fades away.

"I gotta go." I say grabbing my keys.

"Y/N I'm..." Is all I hear before I left.

I go get frozen yogurt trying to numb the pain away. But it wasn't working.

I was sitting at the bar in my house eating my frozen yogurt.

Ethan's been continuously calling me and texting me. And tweeting sad shit.

@EthanDolan just know if you screw up, you lose something valuable to you.

He tweets. It makes me even sadder. Then loud obnoxious bangs, knock on my door.

I open the door seeing a heart broken Ethan.

"Y/N." He says hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry, I went to all those parties, and making you feel like you've been ignored. I didn't know you would feel like that, I also didn't know I was never hanging out with you anymore. And I'm sorry. I promise I'll work on it. I just don't want to lose you Y/N. Your mine. And also will be. And I'll do anything to keep it that way. But give me one more chance. And I promise you, that I will treat you right this time." He says making me tear up.

"It's okay Ethan." I say.

"You know why it's okay Ethan? Because people deserve second chances, and also, because I love you okay?" I say.

"I love you too babe." He says kissing me.

He breaks away and looks at my frozen yogurt.

"Frozen yogurt really, it's like one of those sad cliche movies." He smiles.

"Shut up." I smile kissing him again.


Awe. S'cute.

Thanks for reading! And as always.


Ethan Grant Dolan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now