Pervert Hero

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Another ordinary day, the boys and I were training in the forest, it was approximately 11:50pm. And I was fueled with energy from the full moon, feeling the energy my eyes went a bright blue and I had more power than usual, but because the boys were exudate D I was not even being able to go to my full potential against the boys due to the power.

"Park Jimin, call it a day huh? I'm tired and we've been up all night battling you, go you! You're a prince who's strong, what's new?" Rap Mon said exhaustedly, panting for air laying on the dirt.

Even though, he was our leader he got tired fairly easy. RapMon was the type to give orders and not execute them

"Yeah Jimin, stop taking your  power out on us and go find your mate!" J-Hope scowled the younger one relentlessly

"How is Jiminie going to find a 'mate' when he doesn't believe in mates and wants to live alone!" Whined Taehyung, who was wiping sweat off of his forehead

"How is a mate gonna help Jimin Hyung?" Asked the maknae confused

"Because if he finds one, he can finally obtain his powers that comes with having a mate, since he is the prince," answered Jin

I chuckled, "You guys need more training, this isn't even my full power. And you know that I can't just randomly wake up and find my so called mate," I said remarkably, changing into my human form

"Hyung, just let it go. I'm exhausted," said Jungkook, gasping for air

All of them were on the ground, out of air, bruised and tired; I decided to spare them. "I'm going for a walk, don't wait up for me,"
I then left the forest, and headed towards the city to go on a peaceful walk. Busan, what a beautiful place. My hometown .

I didn't believe in having mates. The idea of 'destiny' putting a person into my life forever because we were meant to be was incredibly stupid idea. And it amazed me how people kept bugging me about 'finding my mate' it was annoying. As the wolf prince, I believe I can lead my pack well without a mate and still somehow obtain the powers that come with having a mate. I just need to figure it out.
I continued to mindlessly stroll until I heard a faint voice .

Areum's POV
"What is life! What am I doing with my life?" I ranted, "I'm a busy person people! I can't just run your errands for you, then and there. UGH!"

Honestly, I'm always talking to myself. It's hard to find someone who's a good listener. No one actually cares about what you're going through, all they want is the latest gossip. That's probably why I don't fit in with the world. Usually kept to myself. I'm not afraid to voice my opinion, sometimes it's just best not too.

"11:59 pm," I said while reading my watch. Awesome, I have to be up at 5:00 and I'm not even home yet! Oh the paper work I have left, awesome.

Jimin's POV
Blue berries.. Where is that scent coming from? It was so welcoming, warm and intriguing. I followed the scent, probably looking like a pabo. As the scent became stronger, I started to feel a strong presence.

Areum's POV
What is that dude trying to smell out? I thought talking to myself was weird. Whatever, people do what they want. But he tries anything sketchy, I'm calling the cops. I continued on my path towards my apartment, but the guy began to come closer and closer to me. Turning around to see if he'd notice that he was creeping me out; hoping he'd leave. Apparently I was wrong. He was sniffing something out, not to mention we were only about a meter apart. He stopped trying to find the scent and looked up at me, finally! Maybe he'll leave .

Jimin's POV
It was so strong, the scent. I continued to follow it, leading me to a human figure. Thinking that I've found it, I look up to see the most beautiful creature. She had dark brown eyes almost black, long dyed brown hair, around 5'5, beautiful tan skin, and eyes that didn't look too happy. Then it hit me, I probably seemed like a pervert checking her out up and down at night with no one around, looking like I could kidnap her. Straightening my back and awkwardly clearing my throat, "I'm not a pervert," wow. Minus 10 for Jimin. What an amazing way to start a conversation with a girl.

Areum's POV
"Well, I'm happy we established that," I began. I took a closer look at the creepy guy, he was attractive not gonna lie; you know.. If he's not a rapist.
"I don't know what you're looking for, but if it's weed or any type of drug I don't have any so please stop trying to sniff me out," I bluntly told him.

He chuckled, I assume, trying to make the atmosphere less awkward; which was insanely impossible. "I'm sorry, I probably looked like a creep. I didn't mean too, I smelt something really good and it just led me to you," he said nervously, flashing me a smirk

I was offended, "If this is the best pickup line you got then keep working bud. Maybe one day a girl will fall for that, but if you think I'm one of those easy girls who you can pick up with a 'sweet line' then keep moving. I have places to be, follow me and I'll call the cops," I remarked. Letting my tired feet led the way, I continued my path home; not to mention all the piles of work I still had to do. I left him dumbfounded in the dark, speechless.
Just as I thought I was all alone, I hear footsteps behind me. Ugh, it's probably that prevent from earlier, I thought. I turned around ready with a smart remark to get rid of him but I then realized he was no where to be found and it was a group of high school boys. "Yah! Noona, you want to have some fun tonight?" Said a boy with curly hair. He didn't move from where he stood though. I took this to my advantage and ran for my life as I saw Curls pull out a knife.

"Get her!" They yelled. I screamed for help as loudly as possible but it seemed nearly impossible. It would be pitch dark if not for the street lights. I can't go home, they'll know where I live if I do go home. I can't risk my life. I then realized, the footsteps were getting closer and closer and my feet were getting more tired. Before I knew it, my body fell onto the concrete sidewalk harshly. Before I even had a chance to wince from the pain, they had caught up and I knew at this moment my life would be take away from me. Why would it matter anyways? Who would even miss me? I didn't matter in this world.

Curls grabbed me harshly and pinned me up against the cold wall. "You're pretty fast for a girl," he smirked. Observing my every detail on my face and body; like I was a piece of meat.

"Pretty face and nice body," he said, "You're gonna have the time of your life tonight babe," he said as he brung his hands to my face and began to aggressively shove his tongue down my throat. I pushed, kicked and this kid wouldn't budge.

Before a minute passed Curls was off of me. Terrified, I didn't dare open my eyes. Scared to see what was going to happen to me. "It's okay, you're gonna be safe," wait... I know that voice. I opened my eyes to unveil the person who had spoken, it was the pervert from earlier.

Word count : 1110
Authors note-
so idk how I feel about this chapter but I want to think I did decently . Not sure. I think it was one of my better chapters but there are many more to come 😱

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