Chapter 4

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“Oh hell to the no!” I screamed at Erika all the way home. I told her that we were having an emergency sleepover at her house because we seriously needed to talk about some things. First of all, how could she not tell me she was a directioner? I am her best friend and I never knew that. Also, we need to talk about why in the hell she was flirting with Harry, when her boyfriend Collin who goes to our school, would be totally jealous and pissed. And he has a right to be.

“Don’t act all innocent, miss oh I know who Liam is! You and I both know you are totally into Liam, and how could you not tell me that?” she screamed back.

“You didn’t tell me you were a directioner!” I replied.

“Well can’t you see why? You pick on Gracie all the time for it, and I didn’t want you to be mad at me.” She said.

“Okay fine, let’s get this straight, I like Liam but I don’t know how much right now I just find him really attractive. And, you may have a thing for Harry, you just don’t know yet, right?” I asked.

“No, the first part is right. I don’t have a thing for Harry, I love Collin. I just think Harry is funny when he’s trying to flirt.” She said.

Okay, we’re good. But the thing is, I don’t know if I like Liam. Yes, he is really cute but I always told myself I wouldn’t fall for a celebrity. I don’t want to be one of the girls he meets on tour then never calls again. And really, I doubt Liam Payne has even thought about me since they left the mall.

Liam’s POV:

I can’t stop thinking about Belle. I love how she kind of blew us off but at the same time me think I might have a chance. She is so beautiful. I love how looking into her eyes make you want to forget about everything else. Like when I look at her, I only see her, and just forget the world around me.

“Would you just shut up already, we get it, you really like Belle. Yes, she’s beautiful but could you possibly keep your thoughts inside your head?” shouted Niall.

Okay, maybe I was obsessing a little. Plus, I will get to see her again the day after tomorrow at the concert in Houston.

Belle’s POV:

When we pulled up to the house Gracie ran up to her room, no doubt to go kiss the pictures they signed. Erika and I were walking straight to my room to talk about some things.

“How did it go today honey? Gracie ran straight to her room so I didn’t get a chance to ask her, but she looked extremely excited.” My mom yelled.

“Great mom, we met One Direction.” I replied trying to get to my room without further investigation.

“What? You met the band that Gracie is obsessed with? How did it go? Are they hotter in person?” My mom started throwing questions at us as I slammed my door.

I turned on my ihome and opened Pandora when The A Team, by Ed Sheeren came on. Gracie then barged into my room, yelling about what she should wear to the One Direction concert tomorrow night.

“Do you not know how to knock?” I asked her.

“Erika, what should we wear?” She ignored my question.

“I don’t know yet Gracie, let’s go look in your closet.” Erika told her and smirked at me.

When they left the room I was left alone with my thoughts. I think I’m the only realistic one here now. Gracie thinks that one of the boys are going to call her on stage tomorrow night and propose or something. She’s way too young for any of them, and they live across the ocean. And even though Liam is very attractive, I’m realistic. Why would he want to go out with me, a small town hick, when he could date a beautiful big time movie star? The answer is, he wouldn’t. I really don’t want to go to this concert and meet the boys again; I’m just going to make myself look like a complete idiot.

“Girls it’s getting late! You’ll have to be at the concert early tomorrow if you want a parking spot, better go to sleep.” My mom yelled up the stairs.

Gracie and Erika then walked in my room. Erika climbed in my bed and Gracie spread her sleeping bag out on the floor.

“Goodnight guys! I can’t wait until tomorrow!” said Gracie.

“Goodnight nerd, love ya” Erika whispered.

“Goodnight Skankface, love you too.” I whispered back.

The next morning was hectic. The concert started at 7, which meant we have to be at the arena by 6. I was driving since our parents had to work, so we all piled into my little Toyota Tacoma truck. I had decided on wearing my white crop top that says “May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor” with jean shorts and black Vans. I blow dried my hair and curled it at the ends. That gives it a natural windblown look. Erika went with her black tank top that says Hipsta Please and high wasted white shorts with black Toms. She curled her hair like she normally does. Gracie went all out with her outfit wearing her shirt that says “I just want Harry Styles” and a black tutu with sparkly tights and red converse.

The whole ride there Gracie made us listen to One Direction songs. She said I have to memorize the lyrics so I can sing along, which I won’t be. We arrived and grabbed our seats which were front row. The opening act, 5 Seconds of Summer came out. They started their set, and were really good. I have never heard of them until now.

Liam’s POV:

I can’t wait to see Belle. They are supposed to come back stage after 5SOS is done with their set. I’ve been thinking about her since we left the mall yesterday and annoying the boys with talking about her nonstop. They told me that it would be hard to have a relationship with her because she’s not used to publicity and the paps. I understand that, but I just can’t get over the pull towards her.

“Are you thinking about Belle?” Niall asked me.

“I can’t help it mate, I don’t know what it is about her.” I replied.

The boy’s set finished and it was time for us to go on stage. I really hope I get to look over to Belle watching us behind the stage.

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