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It was over.

It was finally over. Everyone was cheering about their victory. Levy was being swung around by Gajeel. Natsu and Happy were shouting as Lucy half-heartedly tried to calm them down. Jellal and Erza were talking quietly with small smiles on their faces.

But Gray was still on the battlefield. "Juvia?" He shouted across the barren ground. "Where are you? Answer me!" No one had seen her since the beginning of the battle, and his concern only grew when she failed to meet up with everyone else. He was getting frantic. "Juvia!"

"Oi, Frosty!" Natsu called to him. "Stop being so serious! We won!"

He scowled. "I can't find Juvia, Flame-Brain!" He snapped. Natsu looked around, and noticed he was right.

"You want help?" Gray nodded and immediately went back to searching. "Hey, has anyone seen Juvia?" Natsu shouted over the chatter. Gray hardly noticed when he was joined in his search. The guild fanned out, scanning the landscape for any sign of the water mage. It felt as though they'd never find her, until Carla came zooming back from where she had been looking, grabbed Wendy, and flew back. Gray raced after them. They disappeared over a hilltop. Gray made it to the top and looked down.

Juvia and Wendy were rushing around, treating a group of injured villagers. Juvia was gently washing off the wounds, while Wendy bandaged them up behind her. "Juvia!" Gray raced down the hill, almost tripping over his own feet in his haste to get to her. Juvia looked up from her work just as she was crushed to a firm chest.

"Gray-sama, wha—"

"Why didn't you answer me?!" He shouted, causing the little boy Juvia had been treating to shrink back. "I was worried sick! I thought something happened to you!"

"Juvia is sorry, Gray-sama. She must not have heard you." He sighed pulling her close again.

"Just...stay close to me next time, alright?" She nodded into his shoulder.


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