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Juvia always hated dark colours. It reminded her of dark storm clouds and depressing rain. But she didn't know anything else. Until Fairy Tail, she had never seen the golden rays of the sun, or the baby blue sky. The brightest colour she knew was white. But for her, white wasn't happy. White was crying alone in her room. White was being avoided by her peers. White was being gossiped about when they thought she couldn't hear. White was loneliness. She used to love pink. When she was a little girl her room was all pink, from her wallpaper to her bedsheets. But even pink betrayed her. The man she thought she loved broke up with her over something she couldn't even control.

She was carrying a pink umbrella.

That day, she decided to give up. It was clear that she would never escape the darkness that enveloped her life. She embraced the rain, and dressed in dark blue clothes that matched the colour of her hair and eyes. She completely cut herself off from the bright colours she desperately longed for.

Except for the umbrella.

No, she kept the umbrella. She kept it to remind her what happened to her the last time she opened her heart. She swore she'd never let it go, and she did just that.

Until she met him. The Ice Mage's passionate speech about not giving up his comrades surprised her. She had never met anyone who cared so much about his friends. Of course, she was in Phantom Lord, where it was widely known that guild mates were simply pawns used to further climb up the hierarchal ladder within the guild. It surprised her so much that she dropped her umbrella. The walls she built up to keep out the dark collapsed in an instant.

After her defeat, she lay on the ground and stared up at the dark clouds above her. But this time it was different. Something was happening. She stared up in awe as the clouds dissipated, revealing the sky she had longed to see her entire life. She almost started to sob from the sheer beauty. After all was said and done, she made another promise: She wasn't going to hide anymore. She was going to embrace the world in all its glory, dark colours and all.

Because for her, everything changed the moment she looked into a pair of dark grey eyes.

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