Chapter 2

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Sarah: well look who decided to show up for school today?
The annoying blond approaches my locker, followed by her group of friends.
The stupid smirk on her face makes me want to punch it, but I decide against it, I don't need to be expelled, although school is the least of my worries.
Sarah: gothic slut of the school?
I look down at my clothing, then back up at her.
Selena: why not instead of talking to me, go look up in the dictionary what gothic means, and come back to enlighten me with your answer.
I hear some snickers in the background as I turn back to my locker. I can feel her gaze harden behind me. Ignoring it, I continue to get my materials for biology out of my locker.
Sarah: so you do actually have a voice? Wow this is amazing. Unfortunately it's just as ugly as you look.
Selena: do you honestly think that I would give a fuck if you think I'm ugly?
Justin: Sarah let's just go
Ahh Justin Bieber, he's another one that pisses me off. I'm not sure what annoys me most, the fact that he's dating Sarah, or the fact that every girl in the school is practically head over heels for him. Although I've never actually spoken to him, in fact I barely ever see him around, he manages to piss me off, just like his girlfriend.
Selena: please, do every one a favor and go away.
A smirk forms onto her face again, I feel like going over to her and slapping it, maybe then it won't be trying to get into my head anymore.
Selena: alright well if you don't go, I'll go, because I can't stand to be around you for one more minute.
She clenches her jaw, as Justin pulls her arm back and into his arms. I slam my locker door shut and walk off, hoping that I won't see her again today, this week or this year for that matter.

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