The scariest member of the bat family

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Unexpected Help.
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Oh yeah this chapter is slightly crazy.

I'm gonna call Red X Jason from now on.
Normal P.O.V
"He's my brother" Jason said in a very nonchalant way "and?" Beastboy and Cyborg said at the same time."and what? You said give give an explanation, so I told you what you wanted to hear"Jason said with a smug grin on his face."Dude,your brothers a villain?"Beastboy said to Robin before being cut off by Jason"how many times do I have to say it ,huh?Do I need to spell it out?Anti-hero!Not villain!"Jason said while waving his arms about.

Jasons P.O.V
I sat down on the chair next to Robins bed with my arms crossed,stupid shapeshifter calling me a villain."so can you give a better version of the explanation"said Starfire, I gave her a wink, that got me a bat-glare from Robin,don't tell him I said this but his glare is glare is more terrifying than batmans ,THE BATMAN!But as scary as Alfreds glare NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE has a glare scarier than Alfred.I was just about to go into detail when the loudest most annoying alarm went off with red lights that almost blinded me,yep my liking for the colour red is going down very quickly,Raven looked at her communicator "Mombo's robbing the bank ...again "she said in her normal monotone voice, seriously lighten up! ,"does that guy ever learn?"said Cyborg.

Robin got up from the bed only for his knees to buckle and for him to fall into Starfires arms who then put him back on the bed"friend Robin you must rest" "I'm going with you"he said, why does he have to be so stubborn?," Robin you'll get hurt "Raven said monotone as usual, he  started to get up "I'm fine"he said in a very unconvincing way"if your fine I'm Tinkerbell ,if you move from that spot then I'll tell Alfred that your going on patrol when your sick an have a concussion" I new that would do the trick all the colour he got back from his face vanished and he started to pale,he sat back down"fine!I'll stay"the rest of the titans looked at me "go,go on your mission" they didn't budge "I promise I won't steel anything..."I said and they started to slowly walk off "valuable "I finished.I got death glares as they walked out the door,but I just laughed.

"Who would you think Alfred would kill more me or you"Robin asked " You,because I'll have dyed my hair ginger,changed my name to Eddie and moved to the Australian outback"I said "he'd still find you" Robin said with a small grin on his face "I know" we both shivered at the same time, if there's one thing certain it's that Alfred  is one the scariest people in the world if not the scariest and by far the scariest member of the bat family, fact.

I was laughing so hard when I made Jason say "If your fine I'm Tinkerbell "I don't know why but I pictured it and it was hilarious so I had to put it in.

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