3k reads!

334 5 4

Me- Whoooo! We reached 3k reads! *throws confetti everywhere*

Leo Valdez- Whooooo! That means we can stop suffering!

Me- I wouldn't go that far Valdez.

Leo Valdez- Damn it

Piper Mclean- Man up, Leo! Everything isn't that bad.

Leo Valdez- That's only because you're almost never picked!

Leo Valdez- Author, are you only aiming for the guys?

Me- What? Why I'd never!

Percy Jackson- Are ya sure?

Me- Ok, maybe I do because you guys seemed to be more willing to do stupid stuff?

Percy Jackson- What? What are you talking about!

Annabeth Chase- Seaweed Brain, she has a point you know?

Percy Jackson- Evidence! I need evidence!

Annabeth Chase- Firstly, Travis and Conner couldn't spell their own names right and Travis failed a 5th grade math test. Leo voluntarily sold ice cream cones with imaginary ice cream. You got turned into a dog and and Jason flew around like Superman.

Percy Jackson- ...

Percy Jackson- I didn't mean it literally, Wise Girl.

Annabeth Chase- Well you asked for it! I know you have a brain, even if it's made of seaweed, use it!

Jason Grace- Anyone remember when Thalia hung from the Big House roof?

Thalia Grace- You mean after that big three fight?

Kristy- That Travis made us do?

Jason Grace- The one where you almost kicked me out of the sky?

Percy Jackson- The one we almost got killed by wood spirits?

Travis Stoll- Ah,memories

Kristy- What kind of sick, twisted memory is that?

Travis Stoll- It's a Travis memory!

Kristy- ...

Kristy- Figured as much

Kristy- Anyone remember when Nico took the Aphrodite cabin's make-up though.

Nico Di Angelo- Don't do it. They are like hell hounds if you steal it. And if you do, just have a Percy and Annabeth on a moments notice. The entire Seven crew would be even better.

Percy Jackson- Aw, glad you appreciate us.

Annabeth Chase- Don't have me on a moments notice please, I rather not have a tombstone saying Death by Aphrodite Kids

Leo Valdez- Anyone remember when Travis got smacked on the nose with a book.

Travis Stoll- Curtesy of Annabeth, I had a broken nose for 2 weeks!

Annabeth Chase- No one told you to make me angry!

Travis Stoll- Technically, someone did and I didn't really have a choice about whether I wanted to or not. But you didn't have to throw the book!

Conner Stoll- Who are you and what have to done to my brother.

Kristy- I know right? He's not suppose to have a brain!

Piper McLean- Doesn't this seem a little, I dunno, harsh?

Kristy- Just think of the pranks Piper. You'll thank me later.

Truth or Dare Percy Jackson styleWhere stories live. Discover now