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We gathered around after dinner in my cabin with Jason and Piper.

"Whos turn is it?"Piper asked.

"Mine."I said and scanned the room.I look at Travis and I knew what to do.


I really hope Percy doesnt pick me.I played a awesome prank on him.I replaced his shampoo with pink hair dye. A Classic. Only that you cant get it off for like one or two weeks.He threatened me and walked away.Anyway,coming back to the game.

"Travis,truth or dare?"Percy asked,smirking.I thought for a while. Yes a Hermes kid thinking.Problem? 

"He could have picked up some tips from Annabeth,so im not risking it."I thought.

"Truth."I said.

"Pussy."Leo muttered.I glared and he looked away.

"Scardy cat.Ok then.Who do you like?"Percy said.It was a simple truth question that became my nightmare.

"Think of a lie! Think Travis.THINK!!" I mentally said to myself,but I didnt need to yet. There was a knock on the door and I got up to open the door before anyone else.I open the door and I gasp as my nightmare just got worse.Katie Gardener,daughter of Demeter,stood in front of me.I was now wishing I wasnt here.

"Hi! I was wondering if I could play with you guys?"She asked and smiled. I melted right there,but I stood up straight again and forced a smile.

"Sure cmon in."I said had quickly took my place next to Conner."Sit over there Kaite."Annabeth said and pointed to the empty seat next to me.

Crap.Im screwed.Oh gods of Olympus,kill me now. A clap of thunder makes me think that its a no.

She sat next to me and Percy said,"Travis dont think your getting out of this."Percy said.

"Crap."I muttered. Well why not say it.

"Katie."I muttered."What?"Precy asked.

"Kaite"I said louder.

"We still cant hear you."Katie said.

"I like Kaite Gardener!"I yelled. Katie gasped and Conner made a sound like a dying cat or something. I blushed and looked down,shoving my hands in my pockets.

"Now we can blackmail Travis!"Nico yelled and laughed.

"Yeah,thats what im talking about!"Leo said and joined Nico.

"Immature."Thaila muttered

"What did you say?"

"Immature, Im sure you know what that means, yeah?"

"Like you do!"

"Im older than you!"

"Are not!"

"Are to!"

"Are not!"


"Shut.Up!" Percy yelled. Both Thalia and Nico stopped and looked at Percy before simultaneously saying, "You shut up."

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Truth or Dare Percy Jackson styleWhere stories live. Discover now