chapter 1

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The second you awake, a shooting pain goes through you head, you cant help but moan in pain. the second you do, you hear your best friend call your name.

"(Y/N)!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!" you open your eye's to see Mazia hunched next to you. She sits you up agenst a wall because you were lying on the floor.

"good to see you breathing (Y/N)" Felix says jokingly. "OH and (Y/N) I would like you to meet a close friend of mine" he gestured to a guy standing behind him. He had a white poker face mask on, but you could still see his mouth. he had brown hair, black pants and a green hoddie on. You don't know why, but you could feel a really strong connection with him as if there is something you should know.

"Sup? I'm Ryan, its nice to meet you (Y/N)" he had a small smile on what was see able of his face.

"Nice to meet you Ryan" you reply "So umm... where are we?" you ask shyly.

FELIX: "Its hard to explain."

RYAN: "we would have to start back 2 years ago.."

FELIX: "I'll go first Ryan. a few years ago, before I met you and Mazia, me and cry we...."

RYAN: "we lost control of our evil ego's."

MAZIA: "what are evil ego's?"

RYAN: "there the evil side of a person. everyone has one, but most people loss them at birth. which is also know as a twin."

you still don't understand so you decide to speak up. "But what does that have to do with anything going on now?" you were starting to get angry. all you wanted was to leave, 'dam school' you think.

RYAN: " I don't know why but they want to get rid of us, not kill us but take our bodies, control and be the master side. Mazia you're here because, you're dating Felix but I don't know why you are here (Y/N)"

just as the boys finish explaining things, the evil ego's walk into the dark cellar.

"hello ladies and scum." the blonde one laughs.

"W-who a-are y-you?" Mazia splutters.

the brunette speaks up with a flat tone. " This is Bad PEWD'S, also known as Pewdie and me madcry."

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