Chapter Eighteen: Weapons

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"Your team?" The purple haired woman asked thoughtfully. "I assume by team you mean army?" She asked though to me it sounded more like a statement. I hesitated but nodded. The purple haired woman grinned and then glanced at the other women. "Well guys?"

"I'd say we go for it." The fiery haired woman grinned back.

"Same." Nodded the blue haired woman. The rest nodded with her.

"Then it's settled." Smiled the purple haired woman.

"Wait really?" Amber asked shocked.

"Of course. You guys aren't Scarlet. You aren't trying to destroy the world you're trying to save it. We don't want to sit back and watch people fight and know that whether Scarlet wins of losers could end up on our shoulders. Element will join you in this battle, we will help you win." The purple haired woman explained. I smiled at her. "I'm Purple by the way, and these are White, Green, Blue, and Red. I'm sure you can figure out who's who by their hair colours." I nodded.

"I'm Iris, and this is Dylas, Amber, and as I'm sure he's told you, Theo." I said pointing to each one of my friends.

"Nice to meet ya." Purple said. "Now why don't you come back to our headquarters? We can give you something to eat and fix you up." We took the offer and Element started to mutter something together under their breath. They all joined hands and began shouting in a language I didn't understand.

Suddenly I found myself standing in the middle of a dark room surrounded by various weapons. I blinked in shock and looked around in confusion.

"Oops looks like we teleported to the wrong room." Shrugged Blue.

"Welcome to the Armoury though." Red spoke up gesturing to the weapons around us.

"I heard you guys are supposed to start training with weapons." Purple said. "Your Alpha told me, he knows we have a pretty good armoury. I think he was hoping we'd lend you a weapon or two, I guess we could, we are on the same team after all. What are your preferences?" She asked.

"Long Sword." Dylas said, "I think I'd be good with it."

"I'm gonna say bow and arrow." Said Theo. "I have good aim."

"Throwing knifes for me. I've got pretty good aim too but I think knifes are more my style." Amber informed Purple.

"And you?" Purple asked turning to me. I shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I'm not a fighter." I said uneasily.

"Hmmmm." Purple said thoughtfully sizing me up and then glancing around the armoury. "Are you left of right handed?"

"Actually both. I'm ambidextrous." I told her. Unexpectedly, she grinned.

"Perfect." I watched as she walked over to a table and picked up two medium sized blades. She held them up to me. "I think I've got the perfect weapon for you."


It's a short chapter but I have been really busy lately. The next will be longer don't worry I promise. Sorrrrry.

Oh yeah also the dual blades up top are like the ones Iris is going to be using

- Polar

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