Chapter 1 - An Introduction To Me Chloe Sophie Jones

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Chapter 1 - An Introduction To Me Chloe Sophie Jones

 I stared at myself in the mirror. My piercing sky blue eyes peeking at me through my messy head of blonde hair. My pink and white pajamas were made up of a white vest with a pink teddy on it that said "I love you" and a pair of pink, white and gold checked pajama shorts. I was average height and was pretty average everywhere else, too. Hence why I've only ever had 3 boyfriends, whilst every other girl my age has had like a million. But who needs boys, I'm perfectly fine on my own. At least I never look as pathetic as other girls who are all off pining over their chosen male, always wondering about whether they have a chance with him or not.

   I tugged my white hairbrush through my blonde locks until they fell silkily around my back. I flashed myself a grin and the mirror-me smiled back. I love mornings, everything always feels so new! With a spring in my step, I grabbed my towel and walked out onto the landing and towards the bathroom. Yes, sadly for me I have to share a bathroom with the rest of my family, which includes my constantly-nagging mum, workaholic dad, lazy older brother and my bratty younger sister. It totally sucks!

   Once inside the bathroom, I stripped down and switched the shower on. I stepped in and let the warm water soak over my body, erasing all the aches and creases from lying funny the night before. I grinned when I saw that Mum had actually been good for something for once and bought my favourite shampoo! I lathered it onto my hair, massaging the bubbles into my scalp. You may wonder why I brushed my hair before having a shower, but if I had left my room with messy hair my sister would have smelt it from wherever she was hiding and come and commented on it. She's a psycho like that.

   After I pried myself out of the shower, I returned to the room where I blow-dried my hair and dried my body with my towel. I then slipped into a ruffled, white, tank top, my blue hollister jacket and a pair of tattered, blue, denim shorts. I brushed my hair (again) and then slipped a gold, flower clip into it. Gold earrings, a gold heart necklace and some gold bangles did for my jewellery, and I added a little lip gloss and mascara to make my features stand out a little more before I finally left my room.

   I made my way downstairs and into my kitchen and rummaged around to find my breakfast. I poured myself a bowl of crunchy nuts and a glass of orange juice before walking into the living room and sitting down on the sofa. My sister was watching an old rerun of The Simpsons when I sat down, but she was so engrossed with Homer hurting himself to say anything to me. That was good, I supposed. I tucked into my meal, trying not to think about all the sugar in crunchy nuts and orange juice. I'd have to go out jogging with my friend Jessica later.

   "Hey loser, can you take my glass with you into the kitchen?" My younger sister Emily asked as I stood up with my empty bowl and glass.

"Whatever," I replied, picking up her glass.

"Thanks weirdo," Emily thanked me half-heartedly, her eyes still glued to the Tv screen. This is why I hate little sisters. Still, if I hadn't taken her cup she'd have whined to our parents and I'd have gotten yelled at, and that was the last thing I needed.

   I love her too bits but some days she can be just be completely and utterly annoying-like most siblings I guess. Her face last Christmas though was almost enough (almost!) to make me forget about how annoying she had been the year before. I smiled to myself at the memory.


   It was around eleven 'o' clock on Christmas day, the floor in the lounge was a sea of various printed wrapping paper and us kids and the grandparents were going to go out for a walk to let Mum and Dad get on with the Christmas dinner. Emily was trying her best not to let it show but it was obvious that she was upset; she had clearly been given less presents than us older ones and had stopped unwrapping hers long before me and Patrick had.

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