Chapter 3 - Friends and Family

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Chapter 3 - Friends & Family

I was laid back on my bed, my legs crossed and my iPhone 4 in hand. Yes, I know the rest of the world is currently tapping away on their iPhone5's and 6's (are they out yet? Who knows.) but my parents refused to buy me one as they said that I've "only just got this phone". Please, they do not understand what it's like being a teenager! Or maybe they do, and this is just their way of punishing me for not being the perfect daughter.

A message blinked up on my screen, and I smiled warmly as I saw that it was Lucas outside of a shop in New York, his arms laden with bags and a large grin etched onto his face. He had been sending me lots of pictures of his holiday in the big apple, which I had been replying with pictures on Venice. I preferred Lucas' pictures to mine by far though. He had such a big, cheerful smile on his face in every picture that I just found adorable! If he wasn't gay, I'm sure that every girl in the world would have tried to smother him with their affections. Jess and I did anyway, but we were more like his sisters rather than his girlfriends.

"Chloe! Emily! Patrick! Dinner's ready!" I could hear my mother's voice yell from down the stairs. My tummy grumbled at the word 'dinner'.

"Coming!" I called back, as I pulled my blue jacket on. Please, there is nothing worse than getting cold while you're eating dinner, and not being able to get a jacket!

As I hurried out onto the landing, I heard a groan that sounded like "Coming" coming from my older brothers room and I rolled my eyes. Emily was already half-way down the stairs, only looking back to throw me a smirk, before she ran into the dining room. I followed her quickly, and as I reached the base of the stairs, I heard sounds of movement above me. Patrick was probably emerging from his pitt.

"Tea's up!" My mom said, evidently proud of her efforts in the kitchen.

"Smells good Mom." I said, truthfully-I wasn't joking. She is seriously the best cook I've ever come across and we've eaten in some pretty posh restaurants I can tell you! Her crème brulee is AMAZING but unfortunately she only makes it when we have guests so I won't be tasting heaven tonight. I guess I'll just have to make do with one of her blueberry and lemon muffins (I know. Just can't get the staff!)

"Patrick! Come on!" Mom yells up the stairs impatiently and Emily pipes up with an immature, "Yeah Patrick come on!" Guess I'm not the only one that is simply dying to dive into that casserole-sorry, cassoulet!

Mom frowns, sighing, before telling us to wait a second while she goes and gets Patrick.

Me and Emily sit quietly, straining our ears to hear what was being said upstairs. I couldn't make out a single word but seeing as Emily had superhuman hearing capabilities she translated for me. "Mom's telling him to get downstairs now." She concentrated more, her eyes narrowing, "He just said he'll eat later but Mom said no he has to eat with us as a family. And now she's threatening to drag him downstairs by the ear!" She stopped to giggle to herself and a small smile formed on my lips; she honestly has the cutest little laugh!

"They're coming now!" She said and even I could hear they're heavy, angry footsteps coming down the staircase. Me and Emily sit up innocently, eyes wide as they appear at the doorway, behaving as if we'd been waiting patiently and not listening to their every word.

Mom drags a chair out, scraping it loudly on the cold stone flooring and points to it, her jaw set hard. Patrick did as he was told. Good choice, I wouldn't dare defy her when she had that look on her face! In fact I pitied Dad who had yet to make an appearance. "Michael! Get in here now please!" She scowled.

"I'm here, honey!" Dad called sheepishly as he entered the dining room from his study. He moved to kiss her cheek but she pushed him away.

"Not now, now is for eating," Mum ordered, crossing her arms. She then pulled out a chair and pressed Dad's shoulders, forcing him to sit down. Both he and Patrick sat with equally terrified and shamed faces after being bullied by Mum.

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