Chapter 1

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Emma was sitting in her locked room thinking about her old life before she was found by the King and Queen. Emma didn't know about her power until she was fifteen and kissed her love, Neal, and killed him. She didn't want to hurt anyone else that she was close to so she ran.

Months later, the King and Queen found her shivering in the cold snow. They brought her in and treated her like one of their own. They later found out what she was capable of and tried their best to help her control it. She thought it was better to keep herself in a locked room so they did what she asked.

Now Emma is twenty-six and still not capable of controlling her powers but she has them more under control then she once did. She made friends with a certain villager named Elizabeth Swann. Elizabeth reached Emma how to control her powers and to seduce men making it easier for Emma when the King and/or Queen told her to kill someone.

Elizabeth and Emma grew so close and since Elizabeth was helping Emma the Queen and King let Elizabeth stay in the castle. Emma and Elizabeth were both playing cards in Emma's room and talking.

"So, what was it like? Being free on the open waters all the time" Emma asked curiously. She learned not to long ago that Elizabeth was once apart of Captain Hooks crew. The crew that every sailor feared.

"It felt amazing. No rules expect for one or two, rum, sword fights, games, gambling, and this one man I took a little interest in"

"Now you got my attention. Who? What was he like? Tell me everything!"

"His name was Will Turner. He was extremely handsome and sweet. He was the one who got Hook to accept the fact that he would have a woman crew member for a while" Elizabeth smiled and placed down another card.

"So why did you leave? What happened between you two?" Emma asked.

"We were soon faced with a major threat, Davy Jones. I couldn't handle the pressure I was under so one night when we docked in the Enchanted Forest I left without another word. I didn't tell Will anything and I haven't seen any of them in almost four years" Elizabeth was only a year older then Emma.

"You didn't send a letter or anything to explain to Will why you left?"

Elizabeth just shook her head. "No"

Emma felt her heart sink. She didn't only feel bad for Will but for Elizabeth. Emma could tell that Elizabeth loved Will and for Elizabeth to have to leave him behind without a single explanation. Emma couldn't imagine how much pain the two of them have been carrying around for the past four years. As Emma and Elizabeth kept playing cards, Emma started to think of something to get this pain away. She knew she would have to contact Will and get him over here. And that's exactly what she was going to do.

As midnight approached Elizabeth called it quits on the game. "I'll see you tomorrow" Elizabeth said kissing Emma's head. Even though they've known each other for two and a half years they feel like they've know each other longer.

"I'd kiss you back but I'm not done with you yet" Emma replied teasingly. The two laughed and Elizabeth went to her room down the hall.

Once Elizabeth left Emma got up and began writing to Will.

My name is Emma Swan. I'm a close friend of Elizabeth Swann. Earlier today I found out what happened between the two of you. I've always noticed that there was some pain in her and today I realized it was because of how she left. I do know the reason as to why but I'll let her tell you. You probably have many questions and I'd love to answer them. In person. I know you're not a captain but if there's anyway you can come please do! We're in the Enchanted Forest. If you decide to meet, send back a letter telling me when and where. I hope to hear from you soon!
Emma Swan.

She softly whistled for a bird and tied the note to its leg. "Get this to Will Turner" she said and set the bird free.

A/N: first chapter! don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! I don't know if y'all like my chapters if you don't or comment! also leave comments as you read! I'd LOVE to know your reactions! see y'all next chapter!

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