Chapter 11

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"Killian" Emma said walking in with a big smile the next day.

"What's wrong?"

Emma grabbed his hooked hand and put the golden chain around it. A hand soon appeared. "You helped me with mine. This is the least I could do to thank you"

Hook stared at his hand in shock and a smile. He raised it up to Emma's cheek. It was real. "Thank you, Swan" he said pulling her into an embrace.

"Of course. Now I want a challenge during training"

"I love a challenge" Hook winked and Emma smiled and rolled her eyes. With that the swords clashed.

Emma, of course, couldn't sleep so she went out to the deck to look at the calming waters. She sat down with her back against the ship listening to the waves.

"Tried?" Hook asked walking over to her and sitting down. Her head leaning on his shoulder.

"Yeah" she replied. "Can't sleep though"

"Me neither" he said smiling slightly.

"Davy's getting closer. He'll be here in a few days"

"Aye, but let's not worry about that right now"

"Now is the time to worry" she said sitting across from him. "He's not going down without a fight. Who knows what will happen. One of us could die"

"I promise to not let anything bad happen to you"

"Me too" she said laying back down on his shoulder.

He knew what his fate was once Davy got here. These last few days would be his last.

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