Chapter 6

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Emma awoke early the next morning to the sounds of screams and soon discovered it was her own. Elizabeth and Hook both ran into Emma's room at the same time with tired and worried looks on their faces.

"I'm fine. Sorry" Emma said trying to catch her breath as she sat up.

"Em, we've been through this hundreds of times. Literally. You did every day for a year" Elizabeth walked over to Emma and Hook closed the door behind him. "Is it the same thing again?"

"What same thing?" Hook asked.

Elizabeth knew it was hard for Emma to talk about so she answered. "It's a hundred different nightmares in one. Her killing her fiancé and parents, losing control again and again, and this one man she can't put a face to but he tortures her. Makes her lose control and lash out. She goes on a killing spree and kills everyone in sight. Rather by her kiss or her weapon of choice"

"Way to sugar coat it" Emma said leaning into Elizabeth's hug.


"Whoa, that's.." He couldn't even put it into words.

"And there's literally hundreds into one. Those are just the ones that show up the most" Elizabeth answered.

"How does this man torture you?"

"Killian!" Elizabeth softly shouted.

"Let Emma answer. I might know who this is"

"Mostly physical. Whips, cuts, all that stuff then there's mind control. I don't know if it's magic or just words but it's something convincing me to do this"

"Do you have any description of who it is?"

"Tall, black hair, black eyes, leather. Basically you with black eyes" she answered. Hooks eyes softly widened. He figured it out. "Do you know who it is?"

Hook was silent so Elizabeth asked. "Hook, do you?"

"Elizabeth, can I talk to you in the hall?"

Emma hated being left alone after that nightmare but she let Elizabeth walk J to the hall with Hook.

"So who is it?" Elizabeth whispered.

"We haven't seen him since you left. There's a chance his curse could've been lifted and he's back in his human form"

"Wait, you're not saying it's..."

Hook just nodded. They both knew. Davy Jones.

"We have to tell Emma. She deserves to know"

"It might be putting her more at risk. She told me she's not in control of her power so what if she finds out and Davy shows up and this becomes reality?" Hook mentioned.

"Fine but Emma gets freaked out when she's left alone after this so I'm going back in" Elizabeth walked back in and held Emma who's knees where hugged against her chest. "You'll be okay" she whispered.

Hook couldn't see Emma like that. It hurt him to much. So he went back to his cabin and cursed himself for not killing him all those years ago. What if the nightmare became reality? Hook thought. That's the one question that kept him up for till sunrise.

A/N: short chapter :( do you guys think the nightmare will become reality? if so, which nightmare? comment below!

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