Chapter Three- Alaricks Provo

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Chapter Three

Alarick's Birthday

Alarick's Provo

I was making out with Ashley when I smelled the most delicious smell, but turning around the corner I couldn't find the person who it belonged to but I could have swore in class earlier it had been Aura but that can not be right? what is wrong with me she is my sister? I mean only by adoption but still that cant be right, it had to be someone else?

" Come on Alarick I though you wanted me?" Ashley yells at me sending me out of my thoughts. "Not now Ash I'm not in the mood fuck off" I tell her walking off. "Hey no one denies me, you wont get a second chance!" Ashley yells at my back as I walk away. I walk out of school not really feeling in the mood anymore and text John telling him I was leaving and seeing if was coming.

I finally make it to my car and hop in my beauty, she's flat black mustang, she is a sixty's model and such a beauty. I can't help but get that smell out of my head it was so intoxicating. I have never smelled anything like it before. It was like vanilla and strawberries, I can't help but wonder who that could have been?

John finally gets to my car and we speed off out of the school parking lot, Catherin and David (my adoptive parents)  are going to be pissed when they find out I left school early but fuck it.

"So what's up man, why'd we leave early?" John asks me. I grawl and glance over at him and tell him " Man Ashley is getting on my nerves and I just had to get out of there."  John is awesome he doesn't ask much questions or pry's for information. He knows me and knows I don't like to explain things and that I like to be let alone.

" I get that she can be a bit clingy, so where we headed? " John say's looking back at me.

"Your place was what I was thinking I'm not going home just yet." pulling up to his street knowing that his parents or brother wouldn't be home yet.

"That's cool we can watch some TV and pig-out I'm starving." John replies hopping out of my car and walking toward his house. I follow after him ready to get my mind of that smell and away from Ashley she can be quit annoying, but she has a nice body to mess around with. What I am a guy and I can't help it.

After a couple of movies and some TV its late at night and I am getting up to leave." So bro what time are we starting the party tomorrow?" John asks me as I'm getting ready to leave his house. "After school of course tomorrow is Friday after all."

"You ready to me your mate and all you will be 18 tomorrow?" John asks "no I don't think it will happen man, just because I'll be able to find her doesn't mean that I'm willing to give up my single life and all those girls at school just yet" I tell him laughing. " Just worry about the party and everything will be all good man, leaving " I tell him. "Alright man see you in the morning, you still giving me a ride in the morning?"

"yeah don't I always, see yeah" I tell him back.

Getting my car started I head home.

When I walk in the house everything is dark, looking at my phone I realize its 1 in the morning. I didn't realize I was at John's that long. Walking up the stairs to my room, I was drawn to Aura's room, opening the door before even realizing what I was doing I crept over to her bed and looked down at her sleeping form. My wolf starts howling at me to get closer to her. I couldn't help but smell that delicious smell again. I couldn't help but stare at her while she slept, she was so beautiful. With her long hair spread across the pillow and her lips are so plump and full, she had beautiful long eye lashes laying across her cheek's. I couldn't help but take deep breath's and take in her scent. I stretched my hand out and touch her beautiful hair, taking my hand I slowly move my way to her beautiful face and slowly touch her cheek, fleeing sparks as I touch her soft skin against my hand. Jerking my hand away from her face. What was that? What am I doing? I shouldn't be in here and thinking these things or feeling this way. I turn to leave but hear one word come out of her mouth. "Alarick" she moans in her sleep, did she really just say that? No she couldn't have, I'm just hearing things. Startled I hurry out of her room before she wakes up.

Headed in my room I close the door and head for the shower getting ready for bed. She couldn't have said that could she? I must have just imagined it coming from her lips. Finally getting to bed, I tried to get some sleep but couldn't help but think about what just happened. What possessed me to go in her room? I couldn't help but touch her and why did I feel those sparks as I touched her face? It was so strange, I couldn't help but think of her as I fell asleep.

Waking up to some one touching my face whispering my name, I see Arura in my bedroom. What is she doing in here? "Shhhh..." she tells me putting her finger to her lips. She bends down and climbs under the covers with me. " I need you Alarick" she tells me putting her hands on my face and climbing on top of me. "Aura what are you doing?" " Shhh......Alarick" she tells me bending her head down toward mine our lips touch and I couldn't help but kiss her back, slipping my tongue in her mouth. She moans encouraging to go on. wrapping my arms around her back I press onto her ass. She moves her body against my hardness. I couldn't help but not stop her, "Alarick I want you" she tells me breaking our kiss.


Waking up with a start I could help but feel empty without her in my arms. What the hell was that? Getting out of bed I couldn't help but head to the shower. It is going to be a cold I think to myself.

Finally ready for school I look in the mirror, My black shirt was tight against my muscular arms. My pants fit just right baggy in places but tight in all the right places. Picking up my leather jacket and bag I head out the door running 20 minutes early from being startled awake. Today is my 18th birthday and to be honest I'm feeling a little funny so I hurry out the door and rush into the kitchen hoping Arura was not in it or Catharine and David. To my surprise no one was there and there was a note on the frig...

"Left a day early here is some money for the both of you, don't hurt each other while we are gone play nice. Be back on Sunday.

Love mom and dad"

Grabbing a cereal bar I hurry out the door hoping Arura will not be down soon.

"Hey Alarick did you see the note mom and da....." Aura started to say coming from the living room blocking my way to the door. I couldn't help but stop in my tracks.

MATE my wolf yells in my head with joy. Aura is just stopped staring at me, "Do you smell that? It smell so good" she asks

 I had to get out before my wolf claims her right then and there and mates with her. Turning away I run out the door and down the drive way to my car. Hopping in I speed off to Johns house, my wolf was growling at me and telling me to get back to her and mark her as ours. I couldn't, I just couldn't she is my sister by adoption for crying out loud now what am I going to do? I have to get out of here and away from her, far away from her. This can not be happening.


 OH so now what is Alarick going to do with Aura's birthday just a day away and she realizes who her mate is?

Please tell me what you think :)

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