Chapter 5

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As glad as Adam was to be reunited with his old pal, he was still wary around the gentle giant. When he approached him from behind he always unintentionally scared the jumpy human, sending him scampering a few meters or making him cower-- not that Ty did any of it intentionally. He was worried about his friend, but thought it was just because he had been out in the wild for so long...

Adam was sitting on the armrest watching tv when he heard Ty coming over to him, and he flinched, suddenly on his feet and hiding under the couch.

"Adam," Ty sighed. "It's been three days." Embarrassed, he guiltily peeked out from behind the couch leg as Ty knelt down.

"I-I know," he meeped. "It's just... Instinctive, when-when you sneak up on me like that." Ty laughed.

"I'm like 50 times bigger than you, and I 'sneak up on you'?" He chortled, stopping a few seconds later when he realized Adam was serious. "Eh..." He scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry Adam," he sighed. "I know it must've been tough, being forced to live by yourself, on the run, afraid of everything... But you're not gonna be in the wild anymore-- you're living with me! I know of course, I turned into a giant, but I'm still the same dumba** I was when you last saw me." Adam blinked and nodded, but stayed where he was. Ty sighed quietly, knowing it'd take time to heal Adam's fear. "Why don't I make you something to eat?" He offered. Adam perked up and nodded eagerly, and Ty chuckled,setting his hand down. Adam shied back a moment before slowly creeping out of hiding, scampering over to the large hand and climbing on.

"How about that sushi?" Ty suggested, getting up and carrying his tiny friend to the kitchen. "You said you liked that, right? You still like it?" Adam nodded mutely and held back a cough, sitting down cris-cross and letting the giant walk. But when Ty stopped and pinched the back of Adam's jacket and picked him up, he squeaked in protest and squirmed, panicking.

"Adam." Ty lifted him up to eye level, and Adam froze. "I know you really don't like it, the whole being picked up thing, but if you struggle you could fall and break something, alright?" Adam gulped and nodded shakily, stealing a fearful glance at Ty's mouth. Ty tilted his head and frowned, thinking for a pause before setting Adam down on his shoulder. Adam felt a little dizzy with relief, sitting down and clinging to his giant friend's shirt as Ty moved around, cooking as Adam let himself get lost in thought.

'I wonder if things will ever go back to normal, to the way they were,' he wondered. 'Where I don't have to be afraid of my best friend, and I'm not the last human on earth.' He sighed quietly. No, that was just empty hope. Things would never be normal again, the damage was already done. Giants had dominated, and now Adam was nothing but a fragile creature. Hardly even that in some giants' eyes. He shuddered at the thought, and Ty gave a sidelong glance.

"You ok?" He asked, setting the prepared dish down. Adam stifled a cough.

"Yeah, I'm-I'm fine-" he started assuring, only to break off into coughing. Ty narrowed his eyes.

"How long have you had that cough?" He probed.

"... S-since... Last-last night," Adam admitted.

"Why didn't you say anything!?" Ty pinched Adam's waist and lifted him up before he could answer, instead only gasping in surprise and clinging fearfully onto his giant friend's finger. Ty set him down on the table and left, returning a few moments later with an ointment and bottle of pills. "You gotta let me know when you need something." Ty tsked, collecting a knife and crushing the pill with it. He pinched a tiny amount of the powder and set it next to Adam, who grimaced.

"I gotta eat that!?" He whined.

"If you wanna get better," Ty answered firmly. "I have some chocolate milk in the fridge." Ty headed off for the milk, while Adam eyed the powder with significant disinterest. As soon as Ty was back with a cap-full of chocolate milk, Adam had no choice but to lick the portioned powder.

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