Chapter 14

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Adam sat in Ty's hands, his head bowed as the giant carried him up to the house, knocking on the door.

"Did he really say to just come in?" He asked Ty. Ty nodded, rocking back on his heels and biting his lower lip.

"He said to bring you over today," he replied. After Adam had his rather messy breakfast, Ian had fixed them all lunch before Ty had taken Adam back to Harvey's.

"Do I have to?" Adam whined. Ty looked down and glowered at him.

"Of course you do!" He urged. "It's for your own good-- just like when I had to catch you in order for Ian to give you that sleeping dart, so we could get those scars fixed up!" Adam averted his gaze, feeling scolded.

His sign of submission worked.

Ty's expression softened, and he looked guilty.

"... Eh..." He sighed. "I'm just trying to make a point... "

"I know," Adam sighed. "It's just... It's a lot more scarier when you yell at me."

"I wasn't-" then Ty reconsidered his words. "Ok maybe a little... But I didn't mean anything..." He mewled. "I'm sorry..." Adam gave a small concealed smile.

"It's ok Ty, really," he gently assured, patting the giant's thumb. "We're both still not used to this yet-" He shut up when the door opened, and Harvey blinked.

"... I can uh... pretend that I never opened the door and come back, if I'm interrupting," he offered slowly. Ty shook his head and brushed past him.

"Nah, it's fine," he told the young brunette. Harvey shrugged it off before closing the door.

"So, back for the therapy stuff?" He questioned. Adam nodded, even though he wasn't being paid attention to at the moment.

"Yeah-- there's still a lot more he hasn't said, I can tell," Ty asserted. Harvey nodded, then smiled down at Adam.

"Well let's get started then! Ty, why don't you go-"

"Can-... C-can Ty stay?" Adam suddenly meeped. Both giants glanced at each other surreptitiously, then Harvey beamed assuringly at Adam.

"Of course he can," he soothed. Ty smiled and held Adam closer as they walked to Harvey's room, and Harvey quietly closed the door.

"So... Where do you want to start?" Ty asked Harvey.

"Well... I want Adam to get to the facts about his period of captivity," he replied, giving Adam a glance. "We need to know just how much damage was done, so that way he can get it off his chest and we can help him recover." Adam had stared back before shying his eyes away, finding in interest in the soft ridges etched into Ty's skin that resembled his fingerprint, feeling along them.

"Adam?" He gulped when he realized that Ty and Harvey were looking at him expectantly, and he twisted around to where he could rest against Ty's soft and warm chest.

"Well..." He he bit his lower lip, listening to Ty's heartbeat for a moment, gently beating two times a second, like a grandfather clock counting down for something.

"Time's up..." Adam murmured to himself.

Time was up.

Fingers gripped Adam's sweaty and overheated body, yanking him up into the air. Adam moaned at how dizzy he felt, his muscles screaming in protest with each movement.

"Guess you don't get to eat." Martin sat back, dangling the tiny human before his eyes as if he were a mere trinket. "Pity, you could have looked like a mouse eating that cheese-- but I guess the maze part was too much?" Adam gazed weakly back, upside down as he kept his mouth shut, uttering no protest; he had done so once, but... Well, let's just say he had been given reason to never object ever again. That little "lesson" had left him shaking in his shoes.

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