Ch. 1

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Alligator's POV

"Alligator, the Don wants to see you."

"Okay, tell him I'll be right there. I need to finish this first." I was busy controlling the people as they were unloading the weapons from the truck. We received a brand new stock very early in the morning and it needed to be put in the weaponry basement, deep under the house. The boss was going to be pleased since the merchandise was of great quality. We were going to sell it and receive lots of money.

"He said stop whatever you're doing and go now and ahhh... he's in one of those conditions again..." Tin whispered.

"Ohhhh.... no... What happened?" he shrugged his shoulders.

"No one knows."

The whole family would tremble in fear when the boss got like this. It didn't happen very often maybe once or twice a year but when it did, it meant there was a storm coming... Something got the boss furious - maybe a bad deal or maybe a betrayal - and he was going to break hell loose. I only prayed it was a bad deal because betrayal was the one thing he hated THE MOST in this world. We've all seen what he's done to people who have betrayed him in the past and I can tell you it was not a pretty view. In our family, being loyal and devoted to the Don was rule number one, above anything else, and if you were smart, you'd NEVER betray the Don.

I ordered Tin to keep an eye on the weapons. I've known him for 10 years and he's been in the family as a Capo for 9 years. He was responsible for the drug traffic side of the business, a very reliable and honest man, good businessman, respectful towards the family and the boss.

I walked in the house and, even though we've been staying here for a few months, I couldn't help it but look around in amazement again... I'd never get used to this beauty, it looked like paradise! Of course it did, the boss paid almost a billion for this mansion.

I walked down the long corridor and finally reached his cabinet. I knocked then got in to find Blade - his adviser and 4 other men close to the boss, standing on each side of his big desk.

The boss himself was sitting in his big leader chair behind the desk. His chest figures were on his desk like usually (he loved playing chess) and he was playing with the queen, not even caring to see who has just entered his office. He was deadly calm which meant he was furious. That was what he looked like when he was in his special 'condition' - he seemed to be relaxed, spoke so calmly and sharp yet in his head was a tornado, ready to explode any minute soon. Everyone feared him when he was like this. I wonder what must have happened...

"You called for me, boss." I stood beside the others.

"Yes. There is something very important we need to talk about but I can't start now, we're expecting more people." just the sound of his voice made me shiver in fear...

"Of course, boss." he kept playing with his figures, moving them from one spot to another.

The atmosphere in the room was uneasy, the silence was killing me and the men were tense. I could see that from the way they stood like statues. Their fingers nervously moved, hidden behind their backs so that they won't show fear in front of the Don. They were trying to breathe normally and look calm but I could swear I could hear their hearts racing in their chests. I wasn't laughing at them, on the contrary, I had all the sympathy in the world for my colleagues, for I was in the exact same situation. I wondered, what could have possible made the boss this angry?

Last time he was like this, was a year ago when his advisor betrayed him. The Don had a huge family with many brothers who were in the same business as well. However, our boss was the leader of the whole organization, the very top in the mafia hierarchy and his siblings had a problem with that - jealousy.

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