Ch. 23

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After Michael left the house I remained in the living room watching TV, or should I say switching the channels while thinking about his birthday, because I wasn't really paying attention to the TV.

I couldn't decide whether it was a good idea or not, to throw him a birthday party?

Well, not actually throw a party, because I didn't know his friends or family, but more like cook a special dinner and make a cake for him. I just didn't know what to do? What if I made him mad? Yet, I couldn't ignore his birthday completely... I mean, maybe he did have a bad temper, but no one deserved to be forgotten on their birthday and on top of that, he did help my father! I could never forget that good thing he did to me and my daddy! So I decided, to get up and prepare a dinner even if it meant to make him angry! I didn't care about his anger anymore! I didn't care about him hurting me or about the evil people that were around him trying to kill us! All I cared about was to be happy again and maybe I was insane, maybe I had completely lost my mind... but something made me believe that I could be happy with... him.

I no longer saw him as the bad criminal who kidnapped me from my father. I've been thinking about the whole situation lately to only realize that it was my father who pushed me into his hands and Michael wasn't really guilty about it. He could have killed me or sold me for a prostitute, but instead, he took me in his home, cared for me, fed me, bought me clothes, made sure I was safe and all those things. The least I could do was show him some kindness and make him a cake.

So I made a list with products that I was going to need and gave them to one of the bodyguards to go buy them for me.

I started cooking and it took me a few hours to complete the cake and make a special dinner, but that was okay since Michael wasn't going back until around 8pm.

I prepared the table, lit a few candles around the room and decorated it with colorful balloons. I was happy with the way the cake turned out! It wasn't something big and spectacular, but it was still a nice chocolate cake that said 'Happy B-Day Michael'! Now all I had to do was wait for Michael to return home.

After what it seemed like an hour to me, I heard voices and then the front door opened. It was Michael, Alligator and Blade.

"We have to work quickly..." I heard Michael's voice. "We can't afford mistakes!"
"Of course, boss! Maybe we should make a list with possible enemies." Blade said. I could hear their foot steps approaching the living room until they entered.
"That's a good idea and-" Michael laid his eyes on the decoration and then on the table with the food and cake. Blade and Alligator did the same thing and it seemed that all of them suddenly forgot how to speak. While Blade and Alligator had very positive expressions on their faces, even smiled and blushed secretly, I couldn't tell exactly what was Michael thinking.

He was still looking around with his mouth wide open.

Blade and Alligator placed their hands on his back and pushed him forward into the room and closer to me and the birthday table, then cleared their throats.

"Well ah..." Blade said "I feel tired, I'll go rest." he winked at Alligator and I knew this was to leave me and Michael alone.
"Me too! Boss, YN, goodnight!" then they quickly left, whispering things to each other about me and Michael, I was sure, and secretly smiling.

Now that it was only me and Michael, I got a little shy and didn't know what to say.

"Happy birthday..." I said, almost whispered, scared of what his reaction might be.
"How did you know?" he asked.
"Well, I might have looked at your ID in your wallet..." he silently laughed and said
"You like trouble, don't you?"
"I'm sorry! I didn't wanna do it, but it was stronger than me! I swear!" I hurried to defend my innocent self.
"And you did this for me?"
"Yes!" after a short pause I asked "Do you... like it?" he looked into my eyes and whispered
"Yeah.. I do." I quickly looked down as I blushed under his intense stare "I didn't know you could bake cakes."
"Well, I don't really bake cakes.. I just know a few simple recipes."
"It looks beautiful." he examined the cake closely.
"Thank you. So you wanna try it?"
"Yes, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten all day long."
"Well, let's start with the dinner first."

Then we sat down at the table and begun dining. It was very quite and from time to time Michael kept staring at me, making me blush and look down, but I kind of liked it. I was really happy that he liked his birthday party!

After dinner, we tried the cake and Michael loved it. We decided we should give Blade and Alligator some too, so I told them to come down and have a piece of cake.

Blade said that a birthday without music wasn't a true birthday, so he switched on the music channel. We all sat in the living room, talking and listening to music, when Blade and Alligator said they felt tired and wanted to go to bed. They wished a goodnight and I saw Blade whisper something to Michael who replied "Shut up!" and then left.

Michael sat down on his place and an awkward silence followed for like 5 minutes.

"So..." he finally broke it "you wanna dance?" he said softly and I nodded my head. He got up and extended his hand for me. I grabbed it and got up, we moved away from the couch and he gently placed his hand on my waist, sending shivers down my spine.

We kept dancing for a few minutes awkwardly and all the muscles in my body were tensed.

"Ahm... thank you for... you know.." Michael whispered.
"Oh.. no problem! My pleasure." after a short silence he spoke again.
"I don't remember when was the last time I celebrated my birthday..."
"Because my mother is a Jehovah's witness... my father doesn't really care and... I don't think there was someone who actually cared about me or my birthday." I could sense the pain in his voice as he spoke.
"I'm so sorry..."
"Don't be. Now I have you..." he looked into my eyes and I felt him move my body a little closer to his. Suddenly, my body became so hot that I got the feeling my face had turned red.
"I forgot all about presents! I'm sorry!" I said the first thing that came to my mind just to cool down the moment.
"No, you haven't. You're the biggest present I could ever get!" his hand pushed me even closer so that our faces were in one inch distance from one another. However, I didn't look away, I just couldn't. I liked looking into his eyes even though my cheeks felt hot and red! I liked it... There was like a steam between our bodies, it was so hot! "YN, do you like living with me?" he asked and I could feel his sweet breath on my face.
"Yes.." I whispered.
"There's no need to lie... tell me the truth!" he insisted.
"I told you the truth!" I quickly replied.
"You like being with a gangster like me... and on top of that, sold?"
"Yes, I do and I can prove it to you."

Then I don't know how, but I had gathered so much courage in me and I suddenly felt bewitched and hot and my heart was beating fast, my body was shivering....

I just got on my toes to become taller so that I could match his height and gently pressed my lips onto his.

I felt he got really surprised in the first second, but then closed his eyes and moaned, letting his lips melt with mine. He pressed me further onto him and now there was absolutely no free space between us. I have never heard him moan like this before, but it was like music for my ears.

I felt like there were fireworks going off around us! His lips were so soft and he was so gentle. I didn't even know that he could be gentle and Lord, the way he was kissing me now... it was more gentle than a feather!

I could feel his heart beating through his chest fast and his body was slightly shaking, he probably never expected me to do that! Then he broke the kiss and whispered against my lips

"I love you."

He loves me? He really does?

It's going to happen guys!

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