Ch. 7

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Michael's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see YN sleeping on my chest like a baby.

Her breathing was so calm and slow, I could also feel the scent of her body and hair on which my chin was resting.

I lazily lifted my hand and placed it on the top of her head, then begun to very gently caress the shiny hair so as to not intrude her peaceful sleep.

It's been a long time since I've slept with someone like this. She was so warm and pure, nothing like me at all. In her arms, I forgot about my fucked up life and the loneliness that has been my companion ever since I remembered myself.

I placed my other hand on her small back and run it up and down her spine. I couldn't control my dirty mind and imagined showering her back with sweet kisses, caressing her thighs and arms, kissing her neck and lips... but of course, she didn't want me. I bought and forced her to come with me, after all, even almost raped her.

She was nothing like the women I've had before and therefore, I didn't know what to do and how to handle her. She was gentle, good, caring, decent, nothing like my ex money-thirsty whores. I didn't know how to treat a woman like this... Did she even belonged with someone like me? I was in the mafia, I've done crimes, I've killed people, I've stolen money and only God knew what else... Compared to her, I was garbage.

She didn't deserve someone like me and I didn't deserve someone like her.

"Mmmhh..." suddenly she moaned and placed her hand on her eyes to rub them. She was waking up. OH NO!! I wasn't wearing my make up!! I had to do something otherwise she'll see...


I could feel Michael's chest heave up and down and then I remembered that last night I sneaked into his bed since I was afraid of the storm, and not only of it but also because someone attacked the house at the beach. I know I grabbed onto his pajamas tightly but don't know how I ended up on top of him like this! I feel a little embarrassed but must confess that I loved sleeping next to another person. He was so warm like a bar. It's been a long time since I've slept with someone in one bed. My mother passed away and dad begun drinking, ever since I've been a little lonely.

I only hoped he was still sleeping so I could get out of the room without him seeing me and finding out about my childish fears but it was too late...

"Jeez! Get off of me!" I felt his two hands grab onto my arms tightly and push me away. He made it so fast I couldn't even see his face. He sat on the opposite side of the bed with the sheet around his shoulders. "What the hell are you doin' here?" he said without looking at me.
"I... I.."
"Did I gave you permission to come into my room?" his voice was cold.
"No." I whispered.
"Then what the hell are you doing in my bed?" I didn't know what to say "I asked you a question."
"I got scared of the storm..."
"What? Are you some kind of baby or what!!? Now leave before you make me angry! I don't have time to deal with your shit."

My eyes got hot and watery in a second so I scurried out of the bed and his room while I was still able to suppress my cry.

I shut the door behind my room and plumped on my bed covered in tears.

He was right, I was a baby.

And what the hell was I thinking going into his room and laying next to him?!? But he wanted us to have.... s-sex he even made me promise I won't reject him anymore so that's why I thought it was ok for me to go to him. I guess I was wrong.

His mood swings were terrible. One time he's angry and beats me up and the next minute touches me so gently as if I was a precious statue in his luxurious house. He seduces me and says he wants me and then next I know he's mad and nobody knows why! I honestly don't understand what's going on with him?! I guess the best thing to do would be to stay in my room, keeping my distance from him.

Michael's POV

"Boss, you've asked to see me?" Alligator walked in my room.
"Yes. We're going out, we have things to do. Tell them to get the car ready and you get dressed too." I said fixing my hair in front of the mirror.
"Okay boss."

30 min later we got in my rolls royce and I gave the driver instructions.

"Boss are we going to that old alcoholic again??" Alligator asked and I could sense the dissatisfaction in his voice.
"Yes we are."
"But why??? I thought his depts were all settled and our business with him was finished!"
"We're not going there because of business."
"Then why?"
"Because of YN...."
"Oh I see now... you made that stupid promise, didn't you?" I didn't reply. "Well, you shouldn't have!"
"That's none of your business."
"Everything that concerns my boss is my business! And we have more important things to do, for instance, get to the one who sent people to kill us!"
"We'll do that, as well."
"When, boss? I don't even know why you're doing this for her!! She's sexy I admit, but aren't you overdoing it? Remember what happened with Diana and all the other women? You do things about them and in the end they fuck you up??"
"Maybe I want her to fuck me up..."
"What? What do you mean by that?" I didn't tell him. "I don't understand... have you been smoking something?"
"'cause you sound weird. You want to be fucked up by a woman again.. I thought you wanted to find the one and marry her or something like this..."
"Maybe I've already found her."
"Now great! You confused me even more. I'm not talking to you anymore, boss! I should take you to a doctor..."

The ride in silence felt so good to me. Alligator was blabbering too much!

Her face won't leave my mind.

The feel of her body on top of mine, her smell, the silky hair... she's still with me.

"We're here, boss!" the driver said.
"Let's go!" me and Alligator got out of the car and soon rung YFN's bell. After a minute he opened it and jumped.

"You!!! I thought we.."
"Move." I gently pushed him so that we could go inside and closed the door. These matters weren't to be discussed in public.

"Michael, what do you want?? I don't have money you know it and-"
"It's not for money."
"Really?" he asked.
"I came to take you to a rehab like we talked, remember?"
"I thought you weren't serious..."
"I am."
"But I-" I just knew what he was going to say.
"Don't worry for the money, I'll pay everything."
"Why are you doing this for me?"
"I'm not doing it for you. Now pack your things 'cause I don't have all day to wait for you." after he scurried to his room Alligator mumbled
"So now you've become good, boss? Why don't we change our name to saint Michael?"
"Shut up." I ignored his stupid humor.

At least someone was having fun.

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