Ch. 20

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Next day,
Michael's POV

I just finished taking a shower after I woke up, fixed myself so that I would look decent and hid my vitiligo spots with make up, then took my medicine and headed downstairs.

I sometimes really wanted to make my vitiligo disappear since I already hated my looks without the spots and after I got the spots, it got even worse! YN couldn't know about that. Not yet.

My disease and pills were something that was going to remain hidden from YN for as long as the circumstances allowed. And God knew I was going to make the circumstances allow that until the rest of my life, because I really liked YN and didn't want to scare her away.

I didn't wanna admit it to Alligator and Blade, but I was falling in love with her. They were both right - she is different and she's worth it. They were right about those stupid love books too. I think it was after I read a little bit from them and tried it with YN, that she had started to somehow be more... relaxed around me. She even kissed me.

Well, it wasn't that kind of a kiss, it was more like children's kiss, but to me, it meant a lot!

Last night, she was the first person in my life that disobeyed me and didn't get punished. I hated to say it, but she was starting to gain some kind of control over me and I just couldn't raise my hands at her. I looked at her tender face and body, and couldn't lift my hands to slap her. She was turning me into a pussy, but I... I liked it.

She was making my heart that had been a piece of cold ice for years, warm up again like an old fire place. I hated it! And I loved it.

I hated it, because I didn't want the same old story to repeat itself with YN again - I fall in love like an idiot, the woman breaks my heart, then I'm lonely again.

And I loved it, because it felt so damn good...

I walked in the living room to find Alligator watching TV. I looked for YN but she wasn't there.

"Good morning." I said.
"Good morning, boss."
"Where's YN?"
"Oh she's still sleeping."
"What?! Still sleeping? It's 12am! She's been sleeping even more than me!" I said annoyed because I wanted her to be around me.
"Well, she got drunk last night so it's normal for her to sleep longer..."
"She needs to get up! Tonight, we're going to the casino remember... If she keeps on sleeping a little longer, when is she gonna get ready!? Damn... I shouldn't let her drink." I shook my head sighing and Alligator giggled "Why are you laughing?"
"Oh I wasn't." he lied.
"Tell me!" I insisted. I wasn't in the mood to play around today. Or any other day!
"Well.. I was laughing at you boss." I raised my eyebrow, demanding a better answer "You know... I think you and YN are very cute together, especially when you fight! Like last night.."
"We weren't fighting!"
"Yes, you were! Never mind that, tell me, boss..." he came closer to me and whispered "Have you been reading the books that me and Blade had given you?" I came even closer to his face and whispered
"If you mention those stupid pink books again, I'll slap the shit out of you!" and sat back comfortably. Alligator kept staring at me "What!?" I asked annoyed.
"Yes, you have." he said and his eyes averted back to the TV.
"No, I haven't!"

Those books and me, had to remain a secret. If someone was to find out that I read them, it was going to ruin my reputation of a bad ass mafia don! Michael, the baddest don in LA, reads romantic, pink books on how to court a lady. HELL NAH!

"Good morning." suddenly I heard YN's voice and turned around to see her coming down the stairs.
"Good morning, YN!" Alligator cheerfully greeted her.
"It's 12am. It's no longer a morning." I said. She walked over to us and sat on the sofa opposite of ours, holding her head.
"I have a terrible headache..."
"That's because you got drunk last night. I tried warning you, but did you listen to me? No, you didn't." I told her.
"But I just had a few glasses of champagne and then... Oh God... I don't remember." suddenly she jumped "Michael, I've lost my memory!"
"Calm down, that's the alcohol. Your memory is fine. Alligator, please get her some medicine for the headache."
"Okay, boss."
"Listen, YN, take your medicine and go get some more rest. Tonight we're going to the casino and I want you to look flawless."
"We're going out again?"
"It's more like a business thing... I'm making a deal with this family."
"What deal?" I raised my eyebrow at her.
"You're one curious cat, aren't you?"
"Well... because you made it sound so interesting..." after a short pause she said "So aren't you gonna answer me?"
"No! It's none of your business!"
"Fine! 'Cause I didn't care anyway! I'm going to my room." she angrily got up from the sofa and stomped to the staircase like a little, angry child.
"And no alcohol for you tonight!" I yelled after her.

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