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"Mew mew," the small kitten pepped as the bluenette pet it gently. She suppressed a squeal as she stared down at the small creatures.

"Aw, kitten you are seriously the cutest thing ever. The only question is, what do we name you?" She thought out loud.

"Alice! It time to go to school," her mom shouted up to her.

"Oh, star. Coming mom!" With that Alyssa set the kitten down and raced down the stairs, grabbed her back pack, and went up to her mom. "Ready."

"Alright let's go."

The two made there way out to Alyssa's mother's car. Alyssa hoped into the shot gun seat. She got out her phone and turned it on.

"Hey," her mother stared trying to strike up a conversation. "I see you're wearing your astrology necklace."

"Oh, uh, ya." Alyssa agreed looking down at her necklace.

It had the Aquarius symbol on it. It was Alyssa's favorite thing in the world. She didn't know why, but the necklace always made her feel more like herself. When every she wore it she would never doubt herself. Alyssa smiled down at it.

The car reached the school and Alyssa looked out the window sadly.

"Are you sure I have to go? Can't I just skip a day?"

"I would have said yes if you had asked me at the house. Come on Alice, its Friday. Can't you take one more day, I mean. I couldn't be that bad." Her mother tried to convince her, but Alyssa shock her head.

"That's were you're wrong, mother. You see, sitting in a room full of idiots talking as loud as they possible can. Isn't really my favorite thing in the world."

"Well, then you should have thought of that sooner. Now come on out of the car. I have to get to work."

Alyssa groaned and hopped out of the car. She watched annoyed as her mother's car drove away. Then she sighed and walking into the building.

She was immediately greeted with the sound of multiple people talking all at once about completely different things. She walked to her locker and put her bag inside, then rested her head in her heads already feeling the start of a headache.

"Its a good thing today's the last day of school," she mumbled to herself.

"What us that?"

"Ah!" Alyssa let out a small yell of surprise as she fell backwards. She groaned as she back collided with the floor and then she looked up to the girl and sighed. "Hi, Arica."

Arica was a just a girl in Alyssa's class, according to Alyssa. Arica was about the closest thing she had to a friend, but that wasn't saying much. Alyssa didn't really like talking and hang out with people, or at least non of the people she's ever meet. She would much rather read, write, or draw. But, Arica didn't seem to get the hint so she would walk around and talk with Alyssa. Normal Alyssa would just flat out tell her to fuck off, but since Arica didn't do anything to her. She couldn't bring herself to do it.

"Hi Ace!" Arica greeted her back. "How's you're day going?".

"Um, good so far I guess. Why?"

"Don't know really. But geezer Ace, I'm sure gonna miss you during summer break." Arica told her with puppy dog eyes.

"Don't worry, Arica. You do just fine without me." With that Alyssa slammed her locker shut and walked away while putting on her headphones.

Though she said nothing, Alyssa knew Arica was following behind and she sighed. The two continued on walking until the reached the classroom. Alyssa took a random seat since it was the last day and she thought she couldn't get in trouble. Arica sat beside her and the class slowly filled up. The bell rang and the teacher walked in.

"Alright students," she started off walking back and forth at the front of the room. "Now today may be your last day of the year, but don't think that means you'll be able to just to do what every you-"

She got cut off by the whole room bursting into multiple conversations. The teacher gave up and sighed before going to her desk and started doing stuff on her computer. Alyssa turned up the volume on her music and closed her eyes.

The rest of the day, much to Alyssa's dismay, basically continued on the same. By the last class of the day Alyssa was about to start choking people, but she managed to restrain herself. Her phone was about to die, since she had forgotten to charge it, and now she had to sit and listen to Arica mumble on about things that she had no interest what so ever.

After thirty minutes of torture the bell rang and Alyssa hopped up from her desk and raced out of the classroom. She ignored the teachers telling her to walk and she slid up to her locker. She double check that her locker was completely emptied and then, once again, slammed it shut.

She walked out the door. She looked around the parking lot for her mom's car. She couldn't see it so she groaned and started walking. Walking wouldn't be that bad since it was only five blocks away, so she just plugged her headphones back in and preyed that the battery wouldn't die.

Alyssa went on walking. She looked down sadly at her phone as it gave a warning of being at one percent. She turned off her music. As she passes an ally she caught a glimpse in the corner of her eye. She stopped walked and turned to look at the alley. Nothing was there so she shrugged and continued on. She took a couple more steps and then was grabbed from behind and tossed somewhere.

She tried to scream but there was a gag covering her mouth. She struggled to get away but the person behind her had a firm grasp on her wrists. A blindfold was rapped around her eyes and then she was tied to something that felt like a pole. The sound of a car engine started and Alyssa attempted one last scream before giving up. For now.

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