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Philip stared at the girl in disbelief. He was regretting making her tell him. She was obviously insane. Constellations couldn't be people. That was just crazy talk.

"What?" He asked the girl in front of him.

"Alright just to clarify. I'm not crazy." She told defensively as if reading his mind.

"Oh, ya, not crazy at all. I'm mean you just told me that I was a representative or something for Pisces, a mythological thing, and that I need to help you find the real zodiacs." Philip said sarcastically rolling his eyes.

"Along with ten other people," she added.

"Alright fine. I'm sorry, what is you name exactly?"


"Alright, Alyssa." He started walking over to the blue haired girl and putting his arm around her shoulder. "Look, I know I'm extremely handsome and you want me but--."

"Excuse me?" Alyssa shouted pushing him away. "I'm not joking! This is real, and it will effect everyone if we don't do something."

"Okay, Eliza--."

"Alyssa." She corrected him annoyed.

"Fine, Alyssa. Let's say I actually believe that you're not crazy. Why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know," Alyssa shrugged.

"Wait what! really?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. Look I'm just as shocked as you are to all of this, but I don't want to risk ruining a bunch of peoples lives because of my decisions." She snapped at him."Yeah there's a chance, a pretty good chance, that this isn't real. But I don't want to take that risk. And to answer your question. I picked you cause I thought you might understand. I can't imagine why I thought that, but I did. I guess I was wrong."

With that Alyssa spun around and stalked off. Philip didn't know why, but he felt bad now. He sighed annoyed before running after the girl.

"Wait." He said catching up to her.

"What?" She asked giving him a deadly glare.

"I'm Philip." He introduced himself and he'll out his hand.

Alyssa stared at him confused for a second. Then when she realized what happened a smirk spread a crossed her face.

"Nice to meet you Philip. So, does this mean you'll be joining me?"

"I suppose I have nothing else to do."

Alyssa smiled wider and did a little jump of happiness. Philip suppressed a laugh and smiled back at her.

"So," he said braking the small silence. "Where do we start."

"Oh right! Well first I should probably explain a little more to you."


Philip jumped out the door, hit his leg against his suit case, and tripped. He fell face first onto the ground and groaned. He looked annoyed at Alyssa who was failing at holding in her laughter.

"Pft, you okay there?" She asked amused.

"Oh yeah, this is so much fun. You should try it some time."

"Tempting, but I'll pass."

"Alright," Philip said getting up and brushing the dirt off of him. "So... I guess where walking? Ugh, we really need to find someone who knows how to drive a car."

"We don't have to walking you know." Alyssa pointed out.


"There is such thing as a bus and a cab."

"Oh right," Philip replied sheepishly blush spreading all over his face. "Um, any idea to what town, or what state?"


"Okay. Any particular reason why?"

"Nope. Its just the state that came up on the randomizer." Alyssa replied nonchalantly like there was nothing wired about it.

"So were just gonna go where ever the randomized says?"

"Do you have any better ideas?"


"Yeah, I didn't think so."

She stared down the street to find a bus with Philip following slowly behind. He thought back to earlier that day.

When Alyssa had told him about how to explain it to his parents that he was disappearing, or rather "going of to camp". He had cheeked the website to make sure he wouldn't have gotten caught. Sure enough it was there. And it was actually a pretty good one at that. He had to give the creator credit. Even though it was wrong to lie.

That was one thing he didn't like about this. He didn't like that he would have to lie to his parents about this. He also had a feeling this wouldn't be his last time lying during this trip.

"Yo," Alyssa said snapping Philip out of his thoughts. "Ya coming?"

"Oh, uh, yeah!" He said his face turning red again as he followed her up the stairs and onto the bus.

He sat next to Alyssa on the bus and looked down at his phone. He unlocked his phone and looked at his screensaver of the Pisces symbol. He hated it when people assumed things about him, just because of his zodiac. Probably because they were all true.
He didn't know why, and he didn't like it, but he was exactly like the stereotype Pisces. The most true one would probably be overemotional. He scrolled through the pictures on his phone. Him with his family, friends, and classmates.

He sighed and turned his phone off. He was sorta starting to regret doing this. He quickly glaced at Alyssa.
She was staring out the window listening to music. He really hopped she was right about all this.

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