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"Next stop Las Vegas." Philip heard over the buses speaker.

In three days the two had switched buses around thirty times. They had just gotten into Nevada five hours ago and it was already almost nine o'clock at night.

Philip was starting to like the idea of this whole mission a lot more. He was excited about the fact that he would be able to meet so many new people. And hopefully make a lot more friends.

He also liked see all of the new cities and states. He had grown up in Seattle his whole life, and though he loved his home (while, really he just liked getting to see new things). He was a little bit unsure about going to Las Vegas though. He hadn't heard the best things about it.

"We have reached are stop." The speaker said.

Philip got of the bus, followed by Alyssa and a few other people. He looked around amazed.


"The Vegas lights. The lies and
affectations, sensation. We're winning 'til the curtain's coming down." Alyssa sang quietly.

"What?" Philip asked her, not sure if he heard her right.

"Oh nothing," she replied a small blush appearing on her face. "Any way, first we should probably look for some place to stay."

"Yeah, so get your phone out and find us the best rated hotel." Philip said still looking amazed at all the lights.

Alyssa rolled her eyes and did as Philip said. After a minute or two she found one that would work and dragged Philip away to it when he wouldn't stop looking at the lights.

"Seattle has lots of light too you know." She told him letting go of his arm so he could walk on his own.

"Yeah, but these are different."

"Whatever," Alyssa sighed. "Just don't go of gambling. We have better things to do."

"Right! Speaking of which. So your an Aquarius, and I'm a Pisces. So the next one we need to find is--."


"Yeah! I hope he has a car. It would be a lot easier to get places if we didn't have to make so many stops." Philip complained.

Alyssa sighed again and gave him a small glare.

The two continued walking until they reached the hotel. It wasn't the most fanciest hotel in Philips opinion, but that was probably for the best. They might need there money for more important things later on.

As they opened the doors the sent of jasmine flooded his senses. The inside of the hotel was completely white, except for a few potted plants. The lady at the front desk had bleach bold hair and wore a plain white pencil dress.

She smiled at the two. Though something didn't feel right about it to Philip. The smile seemed sort of. Fake.

Alyssa steeped up to the desk and requested two rooms. The lady nodded and handed her to keys. Alyssa and Philip said a quick thanks before walking off to look for their rooms.

"Well that was sort of weird." Philip said once they had got a safe distance away.

"I know right. And what up with all of this white?" Alyssa asked annoyed looking at all of the walls.

Philip shrugged and looked down at his key. Room number 340 was written on the tag tied to the key.

"I didn't know that they still had keys for rooms. I thought they were all cards." Philip added in to the list of weird things about the hotel.

"Yep. Just another reason to quickly get some sleep and then get out of here." Alyssa said quietly.

Philip and Alyssa split up to go to the rooms. Philip wasn't to crazy about there rooms being so far apart, but it was better than sleeping on the streets.

He unlocked the door and walked in. Just like all the other walls in this place, the walls in his room where plain white.

Philip set his bag up against the wall and walked over to the window. Again his being over emotional got him. He was starting to get a little home sick, but he wouldn't let that stop him. He was going to finish this quest, or die trying. Hopefully it would be the first one.

Walking away from the window Philip changed into some sweats and a plain white T-shirt. He flopped down onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Slowly he started to drift off to sleep.

"Ah!" Someone screamed.

Philip jumped up out of his bad and almost fell on his face, but he quickly caught himself. He swung open the door and ran down the hall to a big open room where the scream seemed to have come from.

At first he thought the scream might have come from Alyssa, but she ran into the room about the same time as he had. He looked inside and it was completely deserted.

Alyssa held a finger up to her mouth as a signal for Philip to stay quite. He nodded and the two slowly walked in.

Philip looked around the room. Just like all the rest. It was plain white. Even the tables and chairs where white. This place has a serious obsession, Philip thought to himself.
The only real color in the room was the yellow inside the flowers, that were on the middle of the tables. Along with the green leaves and the brown dirt.


"Eep!" Philip exclaimed spinning around to find a swan making weird noises at him.

"What the?" Alyssa says staring down at the swan confused. She glances up and Philip and he shrugs. "Well swans don't scream, as far as I know. So where did the scream come from?"

As soon as Alyssa says that Philip felt a chill run down his back. The distant sound of shoes clicking comes from the hall. Alyssa quickly tackled Philip down and pushes him under the table.

"What are you--?" He starts to ask, but gets cut of by Alyssa shushing him.

Philip stayed quit and continued to listen as the clicking of the shoes slowly get closer to them. Suddenly the noise stops and Philip took one last deep breath as he sits under the table, and felt his eyes start to water.

He had no idea what was going on, but he did know one thing. It wasn't good.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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