How You Meet

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  You balance two coffee carriers in your arms as you navigate your way through the studio of Supernatural, in Vancouver, B.C.! You've wanted this job every since you heard about it, an internship on the set! Today is your first day, and you're told you probably won't see any of the cast, because it's all behind the scenes work. Which is just as well, cause you're not sure if you could keep your shit together on the first day if you ran into part of the cast, especially Jensen!!

  You hurry around the cast's empty trailers, on your way to the Green room, to drop off their coffee's before filming wraps up. You reach the door, and sketchily balance the warm drink carriers on your forearms as you reach for the door handle.

  Then, you hear a familiar voice laughingly shout, "Run, Rich!!" And suddenly, half of the cast of Supernatural bursts out of the door and straight into you!

  A very familiar face slams straight into you, knocking you over, and spilling hot coffee all over you. You shriek "Oh, shit, that's really hot!!"

  Jensen Ackles is on the ground next to you, along with Richard Speight Jr, and Jensen gasps, standing up, "Jesus!! I'm sorry, oh, shit, come here..."

  He crouches down and turns the spilled cups upright, salvaging as much from the carpet as he can. You can barely breath, and Richard throws the ruined coffees away add Jensen helps you up, "Oh, God, I'm so sorry, miss, are you okay?"

  You look at him with wide eyes, "Holy crap, I'm, I'm- Yeah. I am so sorry, Mr Ackles, Mr Speight Jr, this is, this is a disaster..."

  Jensen opens his mouth to protest, then the rest of the cast fill the doorway to see what's going on. Jared Padalecki laughs, "Ohmygod, what happened?!"

  You bury your face in your hands, mortified. Jensen moves one of your hands, sending butterflies through your stomach, "Miss, are you okay? That coffee was really hot..."

  You glance at him, then look down at yourself. Your jeans are soaking wet, and you realize in horror that your red lacy bra is visible through your yellow tee-shirt. You gasp and try desperately to cover yourself, making the guys burst out laughing. Your are so mortified.

  You take a step back, "Yeah, I'm, I'm fine, I just- really sorry to bother you all, I was supposed to bring your coffee in before wrap time, but I think I was late..."

  Jared shrugs, "Eh, it's fine, we got out early..."

  Jensen smirks at you, his cheeks slightly flushed, "Yeah, don't worry, miss..."

  You duck your head, "Um, (Y/N)..."

  Richard steps forward, "Well, (Y/N), I'd like to invite you to come with us to dinner, if you'd like..."

  You widen your eyes and shake your head, covering your chest with your arms, "N-no,I can't, I'm, just an intern,I shouldn't even be talking to you guys..."

  Jensen brushes it off, "Psh, that's bull! Please, we insist. It's kind of a rule of mine that when I soak a pretty girl in hot coffee, we take her to dinner... Please, and I've got an extra pair of clothes for you to change into..."

  Holy. Shit.

  You skim the book shelves in the Vancouver library, looking for a good book to read when you return to your spot in line for the Supernatural convention.

  Someone walks past you slowly, glancing over the books as the pass. Suddenly, something catches your eye. You pull it off the shelf, and laugh when you quietly read the title aloud, "Supernatural, by Carver Edlund. No, you gotta be shitting me..."

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