Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

 Lance’s pov

She looked extremely beautiful lying on my bed unconscious of her surroundings. I was so glad she had passed out when I walked in on the site of man who turned out to be her uncle about to violate her. I was so angry; it took everything in me not to rip off his head there and then.

I had not been in such a good mood because everyone kept insisting that I was the one, and I did not want such responsibility dangling in my watch. All this news stressed me out that I decided to go to the club to cool off some steam. My best friend Zivon, who also turned out to be my mentor tagged along with me since it was his responsibility to watched over me. I was surprised he always encouraged me to have sex to let off the steam. He said since I seemed to possess excessive powers, well above the rest of my kind, sex was a sure way to calm the nerves. All unmated shape shifter leaders had unmated females at their disposal in order to prevent them from taking their anger out on innocent victims within their care. This was a rule set for the safety of our kind. I for one did not agree with this sort of release, it was unfair for the unmated females, and their mates once they meet. They deserved their dignity, which unfortunately males ripped from them unjustly.

I hated that he even suggested it, and I promised I would harm him the next time he mentioned it. He was wise enough never to suggest it again, and not even on this night that I was overly enraged. I watched as the drunken humans swayed their bodies to the beats, unaware of the mysteries all around them. After a few hours of watching the same boring dancing, and I had absolutely had enough of the slutty girls throwing themselves at me, we decided to leave.

Some commotion at some point of the club grabbed my attention, and I noticed a girl hunched over, heaving almost painfully, with everyone around her, almost afraid to touch her. I rushed over to her, because my inner power begged me to, although we seldom associated with humans, and she had the most beautiful scent I had ever inhaled lingering around her. I instantly noted that it belonged to someone really close to her. When I touched her arm, she jerked away from me, and I held my hands up to show her I did not mean any harm. She looked so frightened, and when her eyes met mine, she whispered, “Help her.”

I was slightly taken aback by the way my whole body was reacting to this information. Zivon noticed this, as he quickly nodded, telling me to go through our mind link, and he would take care of the whipping girl. I had a strong scent to follow, which made it easier for me to locate her that my inner beast sought so desperately to save from impending danger.

I arrived at the nick of time, and I am so glad I was not even a second late, or else this amazing angel lying on my lucky bed would probably have gone through one of the worst experiences in her life.

Zivon sedated Lyn, and carried her home because she could not deal with everything that had just happened to her friend. I hated the way she kept referring to her as her lover, my inner beast did not entertain the sound of that, and Von was wise enough to realize that I would probably lose my calm and rip her head off for that. He already figured out that she was of significant importance to me.

I patiently waited for her to stir, and when she did, she had the most gorgeous eyes in the whole world! The connection I felt for her was overpowering, and I could feel her want for me, I could almost taste it, and it was driving me insane. Her voice was so angelic, and I wanted to talk to her forever, but she was out again before I could even find out her name. I understood it though, she was human, and a mate to the most powerful of my kind and this is bound to have its effect on her, but I hope it does not kill her.


Author's Note:

TADAAAA...The long awaited chapter! Sorry for the delay, but in between school and family responsibilities, uploading can be a biatch!!! I hope that you enjoy this chapter, lemi know...ait?

You know what to, comment, facebook like etc. I appreciate much. 

Thank you ^__^

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