Chapter Eleven

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"Get out of my way" Karofsky growled, barging past Kurt in the school corridor and forcing the pale boy into the nearest block of lockers.

"Hey!" Blaine's voice echoed around the hallway, bouncing between the walls. He ran to catch up with Karofsky, grabbed his shoulder and aggressively twisted him to face him. "Apologise" Blaine hissed in the bully's face. "Why would I apologise to Hummel?" Karofsky demanded, laughing at the absurdity of such a suggestion.

"Because he's a person and he deserves the same respect as you yourself demand!" Karofsky was taken aback. "Don't push me Anderson! You may be on the team but you're still a newbie. You don't get to give orders." Blaine growled, pushing Karofsky against the lockers and holding him there. "Wanna bet?" He hissed, pressing his arm against Karofsky's windpipe.

"Blaine, he's not worth it" Kurt said weakly from where he sat, leaning against the lockers. Blaine either didn't hear or he chose to ignore Kurt's words, pressing harder on Karofsky's neck like a man possessed. Karofsky was gasping for air, his face becoming red.

"Blaine!" Kurt tried again, louder now in an attempt to snap Blaine from his reverie. "I'm sorry" Karofsky rasped. Blaine let go and stepped back, his hands shaking slightly and his breathing heavy. Karofsky was panting. "You're a psycho Anderson" he said, before running away down the hall.

Blaine still seemed a little in shock, so Kurt pulled himself up and walked over to him. "Thank you for defending me" Kurt said, "I know it was risky for you."

Blaine finally looked Kurt in the eye. "You take a risk everyday when you come to school, knowing he's going to single you out. What I did was nothing in comparison." With that he walked away, leaving Kurt standing alone.


"Who wants to go next?" Mr Schue asked, applauding Quinn as she returned to her seat at the back of the choir room. Kurt raised his hand. The week's lesson was 'Your current attitude to life' and Kurt knew exactly what his feelings on life were at the moment. He was happy with his relationship with Blaine. Happier than he could ever remember being, but he held a constant fear that it could be destroyed.

"Take it away Kurt" Mr Schue said with a smile, gesturing towards the front of the room. Kurt sauntered over to Brad at the piano and whispered his song choice. He then turned to face his peers. "I'll be singing Don't Rain on my Parade" Kurt said.

Rachel stood from her chair as though it had electrocuted her. "What?!" She exclaimed in a shrill voice, causing Finn to wince. "Barbara?! You're not allowed to sing that song, Kurt. It's from Funny Girl and is therefore mine. You know that!" Kurt rolled his eyes.

"How exactly does it express your current attitude to life, Rachel? You're dating Finn Hudson, you're gonna be Elphaba in the school's production of Wicked, and you're lined up for a solo at sectionals." Kurt stated, his hand resting on his hip as he raised an eyebrow at her.

Rachel stuttered a little, before arguing further. "Well... I'll have you know I-" "Sit down Rachel" Mr Schue interrupted tiredly. He looked at Kurt, "go ahead". Kurt mouthed a thank you before he began the song.


Everyone applauded Kurt's performance, even a begrudging Rachel. Then the bell rang, signalling the end of the school day and everyone began to leave the room. Kurt grabbed his satchel from his seat and followed his friends out, but as he entered the hallway someone grabbed his wrist and yanked him away from the rest of the New Directions.

He turned around in a panic, fully expecting Karofsky to be looming over him. He was therefore surprised to find Blaine standing in the shadows, still clutching Kurt's wrist.

"Blaine, what are you-" "That was beautiful, Kurt" Blaine said before Kurt could finish his question. Kurt looked puzzled. "Why were you stood outside listening?" He asked. Blaine blushed. "I wanted to come hear you sing" he admitted. Kurt still looked confused. "I thought you normally had football now?" Blaine looked down, scuffing the toe of his shoe against the floor, "I skived" he confessed.

"Wow" Kurt laughed. "Tempted to audition?" He asked, smiling coyly. Blaine sighed. "Everyday" he said, longing in his eyes, "But I can't." Kurt nodded. "Seriously though Kurt. Your voice is amazing!" Blaine reiterated. Kurt smiled at him. "Let's go get coffee" he suggested.

They linked arms and walked towards the exit of the school, chatting animatedly about which Broadway shows Kurt would want to be in and the role he would play. Neither of them noticed Karofsky glaring at them from the other end of the corridor, his football kit muddy from practise and his fists clenched by his sides.


The next day at school Kurt didn't see Blaine. He didn't sit with them at lunch and when Kurt asked Santana as to his whereabouts, she simply shrugged and turned back to Brittany. Kurt became concerned when Blaine wasn't in English. Blaine had once said how it was his favourite subject and so Kurt knew he wouldn't skive without reason.

As soon as class got out, he frantically dialled Blaine's number and clutched the phone to his ear. As it started to ring however, he slowly lowered the phone to his side, his mouth open in both shock and horror. He could see Blaine, standing at his locker and pulling a book out. His face was bloodied, with one eye swollen shut. He was hunched over his locker and when he went to leave he had a definite limp.

"Oh my God" Kurt said aloud, still staring at his friend. He power walked over. "What the hell happened to you?!" Kurt demanded, taking Blaine's book and putting his arm out for Blaine to use as a crutch.

"It doesn't matter" Blaine rasped, but he didn't take Kurt's arm. Instead he took back his book. "I'm going to go find Santana" he said, then walked away, leaving Kurt standing alone, yet again. He tried to push aside the hurt he felt at the way Blaine had brushed him off, but he couldn't deny it to himself.

He walked to French in a cloud of melancholy, sitting at the back of the classroom for a change. He spent the entire lesson staring out of the window and waiting for the day to end.

"Kurt, are you okay?" Mike asked as they left the classroom. "Fine thanks" he lied with a fake smile. "Are you sure?-" Mike began, but Kurt cut him off, saying he had to go find Finn so that they could go home together. He quickly walked away.

Mike frowned after Kurt's retreating form, still worried about him. "Guess who?" Tina's shrill voice snapped him from his train of thought. "I wonder" he said with a laugh, turning to peck his girlfriend on the cheek. "What were you doing standing by yourself in the middle of the hallway?" She asked, taking his arm and walking with him to the exit of the building.

"Do you think Kurt has been acting strange lately?" He asked, thinking back to their French class. "How so?" Tina asked. "French is his favourite lesson and yet he wasn't paying any attention in class. When I asked if he was alright he couldn't get away fast enough" he explained.

"Hmm, maybe I should talk to him" she suggested, stroking Mike's arm affectionately. "No" Mike said. "Mercedes is his best friend. If anyone can get through to him, it's her." Tina nodded in agreement. Mike pulled out his mobile and sent Mercedes a text.

I think you should talk to Kurt. He seemed a bit out of sorts today. Hope he's okay ~ M


"Thanks for the lift" Finn said as Kurt pulled up in their driveway. "No problem" Kurt said half-heartedly, shutting off the engine. "You okay?" Finn asked. "Yeah, just tired" Kurt claimed. Finn believed him and so got out of the car, grabbing his rucksack and retreating into the house.

Kurt hung back for a minute, attempting to quell his emotions so as to avoid his dad's suspicion. When he thought he could fake his way through a happy family dinner, he entered the house, a smile forcibly plastered onto his face.

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