~Chapter 6~

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It had been a few days now since Yu left the village with Mika and Krul. They had already passed the forbidden forest as well and ventured into mainland. Yu was feeling a bit exhausted from the journey while Mika and Krul were holding up just fine since they were wolves and had more stamina. Mika noticed how tired Yu was getting and stopped."Yu-chan. I'll carry you until we get to the next forest." Yu had no objections and nodded. Mika picked Yu up bridal style and carried him the rest of the way."We are almost there. I live at the forest here..I've been gone for a month now but there shouldn't be other wolves there." Krul said as they neared closer to the forest. Krul led Mika and Yu to her small cabin and welcomed them inside. Mika set down Yu gently as they looked at the place."Welcome to my home." Krul said as she sat down on a chair."I have one guest room the two of you can share.." She smirks a little."If you two don't mind." She added.

Mika blushed deeply and glanced at Yu who was also blushing but not as brightly. Mika then looked at Krul."I-It's alright. We'll share the room." Yu didn't respond and only blushed. She smiled happily."Good to hear. Now go ahead and get settled in. I'm going to go hunt for some food so you two take your time." She said as she got up and left them alone. They walked into the guest room and looked around at their new home. There was one bed, a night stand and an empty shelf. The room clearly hadn't been used for a long time due to the dust and how everything seemed untouched and empty."Looks like we'll have to clean this place up a little." Mika said as he wiped some dust off the shelf with his finger. Yu nodded and then sneezed from the dust. Mika smiled a little." Yea we better clean this room up. We have all day to do it." Yu nodded and rubbed his nose after setting his bag down."What should we use to clean this place?" Yu asked as he started to walk over to Mika but tripped over nothing in the process. He was more tired than he thought. Mika gasped and quickly caught Yu at the last second and held him close."Yu-Chan are you alright?..you seem to be really tired..you should rest and I'll clean up the bed so we have a place
to sleep tonight." Yu looked up at Mika."N-no I'll help. It's not fair that you only do the work. I should help to." Mika looked at Yu seriously."No. Just rest and let me handle it. We've traveled quiet a ways and I know your exhausted so please rest." Yu was going to try to protest but he had no excuses and then he sighed."Alright fine..I'll rest." Mika smiled."Good. I'll hurry so you can use the bed."

While Mika cleaned the bedding and some of the room, Yu napped for a while. Mika every now and then would look over at Yu and smile at how peaceful he looked. After cleaning most of the room Mika decided to take a break and walked over to Yu. He picked Yu up and brought his sleeping form over to the bed and laid him down gently. Mika sat down next to him and looked at his sleeping face. He reached his hand to Yu's face and brushed his fingertips gently across his cheek and then brushed his bangs to the side. Mika blushed lightly and scooted closer. He wondered if Yu would mind that he was so close at this very moment. Mika wrapped his arm around Yu and rested his head against Yu's chest to listen to his heart beat. Mika blushed more listening to such a soothing rhythm. Mika shuddered and bit his bottom lip lightly."Yu-Chan..what're you doing to me? Why do you make me feel this way?" Mika whispered softly. Mika hugs Yu closer and unconsciously rubs his body against Yu to mark his scent on him. In his mind he started to think how he wanted Yu to be his and no one else's. Mika hoped Yu to feel the same. Yu started to wake up feeling Mika's movements and was a bit dazed at first."mm?" Yu blinked a few times to escape his drowsiness. Then his eyes widened when he heard a soft small moan come from the wolf rubbing against him. Yu turned his head to meet Mika's delighted expression."M-M-M-Mika-a?" Yu squeaked out. Mika met with Yu's eyes and smiled for a moment until reality finally hit Mika. He just rubbed and grinded himself against Yu. Mika's eyes widened and a massive blush spread across his face. Mika let go of Yu and sat up flustered."Y-Yu-Chan! I can explain!" Mika stuttered out as he fiddled with his hands nervously. Yu sat up flustered as well and looked at Mika and waited for his explanation. Mika looked down and started to talk."Well um..you see..u-um..I....I..c-couldn't control myself..and um.."

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