Excuse the mess

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A/N. Well, I did threaten it in the last chapter, so here.... Have some badly written smut! If you don't like it because it's badly written, well I apologise wholeheartedly.... If you don't like it because you just don't like smut, then just don't read it...... Simples! Xx

By the time you reached Waterloo train station it was well into late afternoon. The storm you'd endured for the previous few hours showed a stubborn reluctance in shifting anytime soon.  Its distant grumbling and darkened slate grey winter skies above you, reminded you every now and again that it still lingered close by.

With your fingers interlocked loosely with his, Jacob led you swiftly from the dampened,rain soaked cobbles outside and up the numerous tiled station steps towards the darkened expanse of platforms above. The cutting winter wind howled cruelly down the stark stairwell, biting painfully at your rain soaked cheeks as you ascended them .

Stepping from the last step onto the flagstoned platform, your eyes widened slightly in surprise at the large number of commuters, each one bustling and vying noisily for their places on the platform so they could catch their trains with ease after a long days work in the city

"Come on love..... Platform six" Jacob cawed loudly over the cacophony of chatter and sheeting rain as it bounced off the glass roof above. He gave your hand a simple squeeze in reassurance, snapping your attention back from the chaos around and back with him. Offering a simple smile, you followed his lead until you eventually found platform six, waiting at its far end  for the Fryes train to arrive.

"Half five" Jacob said, his eyes casting up to the large clock that hung above the platform, his breath slightly ragged from the dash from the park  "by my reckonings the train's due in about ten minutes.... Unless Nigel's been causing problems again"

"And no one will mind me just coming back like this Jacob?" You enquired as you slowed your breathing "all unannounced and such?"

"Who Agnes?" He scoffed slightly "nah, it's her night off and Nigel's been absent for the last couple of days....... That reminds me, I must ask Freddie if he's ended up in the clink again" Jacobs voice trailed off as he thought out loud

"No, I'm think more about Evie?" You replied.

Jacobs glance fell back to you, he face crumpling at your question "Evie? Nah love..... She won't mind you coming back... Besides I think she's out with Greenie tonight, something about a chamber and key or something... I don't know"

You nodded slowly "It's just she seemed so angry by my presence last time" you said with a slight shiver, the platforms relentless wind beginning to bite at your damp clothes

"Well..... it's just as much my train as hers, And I say you're welcome.......What's the matter love? You cold?" He asked noting your slight shiver

With a slight wobble of your jaw, you nodded, your numbing fingers pulling your jacket sleeves as far down over your hands as they could go.

"Well we can't have that" he smiled stepping towards you, his voice deep and warming in itself. "Come here" he said with a deepened breath wrapping his arms around your slender frame encasing it close to his. The warmth and closeness his body gave, immediately offered respite making you instantly feel better."that train will be any moment now love.... I Promise" he said softly as his eyes skirted down the track looking for it. You nodded happily, your cheek resting against his taught clothed chest, the gentle thud of his heart so close to your ear reassuring  you. 

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