A hell of a day

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St James' Cemetery,  London 

Placing her slight hands upon the aged, crumbling brickwork, Evie took a moment at the walls of the cemetery of St James'. It was dead of night by the time she'd finally completed the journey from the hideout there, and the threateningly cold Autumn drizzle that had plagued her journey was already beginning to soak the shoulders of her thick assassin robes chilling her slight frame underneath.

She took a deepened ragged breath in, desperate to gain some much needed composure and clarity,  but Jacobs heated and angry words as shed left the train, still rang loudly in her ears pulling and jabbing at her conscious uncomfortably eventually making her huff out a long elongated sigh

She couldn't pretend that the prospect of undertaking such a mission on her own didn't perturb her, because it did, it scared and chilled her to her very core. There was a part of her that said no, screamed at her to end this stupid plan and turn back to the hideout abandoning the whole damn thing, but with Jacob now somewhat 'incapacitated' she knew it fell to be her to finish what had been started. She needed to end this whole bloody thing by what ever means necessary, if only for your sake and closing the final chapter in the book once and for all.

Upon introspection, this whole matter had unwittingly run much deeper than first anticipated, this was no longer a question of getting one over on Starrick, with those around her whom she loved splintering quickly away from her, this had become a question of hot revenge. Pure and simple.

The blustering Autumn winds whipped tirelessly through the still of the  cemetery, bringing with it the quietened rustle of the sycamore leaves as they danced and bowed in the wind overhead. Evie lifted her face into the sharp wind, her nose crinkling somewhat in protest to the weather that battered and buffered against her pale juvenile skin.

With a squint she glanced off through the rain toward the far side of the cemetery. In the distance, the soft lights, shouts and distant chug of the nearby barges continuing their tireless work along the artery of the Thames reminded her how close they were to the river. 'Starrick's no fool, A likely and cunning  hideout for distributing contraband being so close to the Thames' she admitted silently to herself 'the makings of a perfect crime!'

With a shaken, pensive breath, she glanced around the cemetery trying to gain some kind of bearing or marker to the map she'd tossed onto Jacobs desk earlier that night. Her mind was a wash with each twist and turn of the matrix of tunnels in the map she thought she'd memorised.  she muttered a silent curse to herself that she should have been so stupid to have left them behind.

"The Forbes vault? " she murmured quietly to herself, her eyes falling upon a rather grand looking memorial as she  stepped gingerly through the cemetery.   "a large marbled vault with cherubs carved around its entrance" she whispered as she stepped up to the hefty looking iron worked gates that guarded the door. "Now..... if the plans are correct" she whispered as her slight fingers wrapped around the iron bars of the gate giving it a firm push. "This!" She strained "should be the entrance I'm looking for"

A smug and knowing smile tugged at her rosebud lips as the door gave with not much persuasion at all. It gave an ear piercing groan under protest of its sudden movement, the loud shriek of the hinges eventually ebbing off being lost amongst the roar of the trees that continued to gust noisily overhead.

With one last glance around, Evie tentatively stepped into the darkness of the vault. The neon glint from the full moon outside bounced from the small brass plates that adorned the walls, each of them displaying the names and dates of previous members of the Forbes line that laid there. There was an unspoken and imposing air of respect the place demanded, like the sudden tingle that seems to consume and hush you when you enter an empty church. Evie's skin goosebumped, It was a cold and eerie place to be and the judgmental glances of the statues that glared down at her reminded her constantly that she had no place to be there.

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