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March 3, 2013

“Lou, man, breathe. I know you’re nervous and all, but I’m scared you might pass out we even get to the restaurant”, Zayn said, casting his friend another one of the worried glances he has been giving him since they got in the car.

Louis snapped his head in Zayn’s direction in slight panic but soon nodded and took deep calming breathes that seem to work a bit at calming his rapid heart beating. He honestly felt like he was going to explode from nervousness. It was after all a big day and was about to make a decision he thought long and hard about.

Today was his second year anniversary with the man he has completely fallen in love with, Harry Styles. It has been two incredible years of dating and an even better 3 and half years of friendship. They met at Uni when Harry had moved to Doncaster to study law and it was Louis 3rd year studying Drama and Theater. They ended up being room neighbors, their doors right next to each other. It happened when Harry was returning from his last lecture of the day, and he saw Louis sitting in front of his door, banging his head against it.

He had no idea who this guy was, but he thinks he would have remembered him if he would have seen him around campus. He has a feathery hair swept to the side and looked incredibly soft. Harry’s fingers were already itching to run through it. In a totally platonic way, mind you. He seemed smaller than Harry yet older. His cheekbones could not be more prominent and Harry thought it strangely suited him quite well, even if his features seemed quite feminine. Harry couldn’t seen his eyes since they were close as he banged his head, which reminded Harry, there is a stranger next to his room banging his head. So without a second thought, he approached him.

 “Uh mate, I think you’re supposed to use a key for that”.

Louis jumped lightly at the new voice, but smirked when his eyes landed on Harry. “I am very aware that kind sir, but can’t use my key, for it is inside of this door”, he said, using exaggerated hand gestures.

Harry smiled sympathetically. “Too much of a rush this morning?” He asked, remembering all the commotion he heard against the paper thin walls this morning, including some very lovely vocabulary words.

“Pfft I wish, it’d make more sense. I dropped it and then accidentally kicked it and it went through the door”. He jumped again when he heard a loud laugh boom from the stranger still standing next to him. He narrowed his eyes. “It ain’t funny”. He whined, though trying not to laugh himself, not wanting to give him the satisfaction, but failing when a slight chuckle escaped him.

“Come on, it ain’t so bad. It happens to the best of us”. Louis rolled his eyes but smiled none the less. “Thanks for the pep talk, but we all know that was a stupid move for me. I get those a lot”.

He looked down in slight disappointment in himself, seriously he gets these moments a lot and he is starting to think there is something seriously wrong with him, and soon felt a presence sitting next to him. He felt an arm going around his shoulder and pushing him into a firm chest. Louis, being the very friendly and touchy type, didn’t mind this at all. He does this type of things with all his friends and sure maybe not as soon as they met, but that doesn’t mean he is opposed it. It had nothing to do with the fact that this guy sparked an interest in him. Of course not.

“Don’t be so down. We all have our stupid moments. For instance, I tried to show off the fact that I was the only one brave enough to climb the oldest tree at my old town’s park. Everyone thought those branches couldn’t even hold a bird let alone a person and thought I was mad when I went for it. I made it one step and out of nowhere I see a caterpillar right next to my face. Next thing you know, Mr. Brave is running away screaming like a little girl”.

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