daughter of satan

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I woke up in my bed and considering that none of the servants came to wake me up, I was guessing it was still pretty early or late and they forgot to wake me up. I sat up and slid out of my bed and as my feet touched the ground I felt the cool wood floor beneath my them, not paying any mind to it I stood up and went to pick an outfit for the new day. I walked over to my dresser and opened one of the two doors it had and looked at the options I had to wear for the day, I had mostly red, black, and (f/c). I chose to wear a dark red dress that was longer in the back slightly dragging behind me that met in the front mid-thigh that met in a V-shape allowing some of my right leg to be seen. It also had black embroidered ribbon where my cleavage was and matching red gloves that went to my elbows.

"Well I guess it is about time that I talked to my father." I said walking over to the door and slipped on my red heels that were no more than a few inches tall. Walking out of my room, I was off to find my father. I walked to my father's study first, since that's where he usually is, and found him sitting in his chair with one of his demons sat across from him. I knocked on the wooden door frame to let them know I was there and they both looked over to me. Father waved his hands dismissively to the demon and he quickly got up from his seat and walked past me, as soon as he disappeared around the corner my dad smiled at me and waved for me to come in and sit down.

"I see you're up late my darling."  he said in a sweet tone as he looked at me and I smiled at him.

"Nothing just hungry I wanted to see if you'd give me permission to go to the human world to feed." I said and just then my stomach growled and I blushed seeing how loud it had been and laughed a bit as my stomach had proven my point.

"Why yes of course you know you can go there without my permission because you are my daughter, I know you can protect yourself!" he chuckled a bit at me and I just smiled and nodded my head showing I understood. 

"I know I just wanted to make sure you knew where I was" I said before standing from my seat and walking out of the study. Seconds later I was in the human world and I walked out of the alley that I was in and started to walk the empty streets of london because of how early it was. I heard footsteps coming toward me so I turned around to see if it was a potential meal when I was grabbed and pushed back into the alley I had just walked by. The man roughly pushed me against the wall and I could smell the alcohol on him. 

"What is a pretty lady like you doing out all by yourself at this time of the night?" the man asked in a deep voice trying to intimidate me, so I just rolled my eyes at him. I didn't pay attention to what he looked like at the time so I just pushed him off of me and threw him into the wall across from me the same way he had done to me.

"Well I'll give you a hint, I am hungry and you just might be my next meal!" I said smirking at the fear in his eyes. He was seemingly paralysed with fear so I leaned in so our lips were almost touching, I wanted to taste his soul before I devoured it. His soul was bitter but still had a hint of a sweetness to it though, it isn't what I like but a soul is a soul when you're hungry. I started feeding on him and it was over soon since he didn't struggle surprisingly. I then dropped him and he landed on his back so I took this time to examine him, he had short black hair that looked greasy and disgusting. My meal wore a brown over coat that was tattered and torn with his pants in the same condition, homeless I guess if anything I did him a favor.

"As soon as we get back to my manor I am going to retire sebastian." when I heard what sounded like a young boy talking and two sets of footsteps getting closer by the second, I used my powers and changed into a black cat so I wouldn't be seen. 

"Yes my lord." came the reply and as soon as the second guy said something I ran into the shadows where I could see them but they couldn't see me not me. They walked by the alley I heard one of them gasp, probably the younger boy. What the hell was I thinking not hiding the body at least a little? 

They started walking closer until they were right in front of the dead body, one of them which was dressed as a butler looked directly at me with a devilish smirk. I sensed he was a demon too and I quickly put up my shield hoping he didn't already catch my scent, he walked over to me and picked me up and started to pet me. I guess he didn't sense me thankfully and as he continued to pet me I did nothing to resist him holding me saying he was very attractive. His raven black hair hung down perfectly framing his face and making his ruby like eyes pop, his pink lips looked so soft and I really wanted to find out so I touched my small pink nose against his lips and licked his lips slightly. Yep they are definitely soft! wow I half wish that I could actually kiss him though I didn't want to give away my cover so I didn't, the butler seemed very surprised at my actions and a blush tinted his cheeks and I smirked inwardly.

"Sebastian put that cat down it looks like we have another case to solve." the kid with blue-gray hair and a beautiful blue eye with the the other being covered by an eyepatch. I wonder what happened so that he had to wear it, probably their contract mark. Sebastian put me down gently and I meowed my disapproval of this action but he just gave me a sad look before he walked over to the boy he had a contract with.

"Sorry my lord I simply could not help myself." he said giving me another sidelong glance as he spoke to the boy. He is so short I think I am going to call him shorty from now on until I at least learn shorty's name. They started to walk away and I decided in a split second that I was going to watch these two for a while, so I stuck to the shadows until sebastian and shorty got to their carriage. I jumped on the back ledge when shorty was in the carriage and sebastian was starting to get the horses to move so he wouldn't see me.  

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