Jessica is blowing chunks

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                    When I came to this party I knew there was talk that there was going to be a famous person here, but I didnt know who. As I looked at him I noticed him lick his lip and him lips curve into a smile. I knew who he was the instant I saw him.

            Not only did i know who he was I also had a small crush on him. I mean who wouldnt. He was the epitome of perfection. From his perfectly tosseled hair, to his boot covered feet. I swear he tweeted the other day that he was getting rid of those. Then I noticed...I can see his feet...Which means he is standing right infront of me. Was I really checking him out so much that I didnt realize he had walked over to me. I mentally facepalmed myself. Then I realize that I was still looking a his shoes. I mentally facepalmed again and this time brought my eyes up his body to meek his. 

              "Like what you see, love?"

              "Hhuh?" Once again I mentally facepalmed. hhuh THAT was my intellegent answer to the hottest guy walking this earth! 

               "The whole time I was walking over here you were checking me out." Its just one mental facepalm after the other tonight. I don't think I can get more embarrading than this. That is until my friend comes over. She stumbles onto my back making me fall forward onto him making me spill my rink over the both of us. He wraps his arms aroundboth of our waists an helps steady us. 

                 I turn to face my friend. "Jessica! What the hel-" Then I see her face. She has that look. You know the look im talking about. The 'get me to the bathroom right now or forever smell like throwup' look. "Oh god, just hold it for one sec Jess." I look over my shoulder to the dream guy who is still holding me and my friend.

          "Is she alright?"

               "Yeah sorry about your clothes." I start to walk away forever embarrassed, but his arm holds my waist tighter.

        "Here I'll help." He takes jessica's almost limp body from me and then grabs my hand. He walks ahead of me and pulls me behind him. I can't really see where we are going because his tall figure blocks my view. He pushed me ahead of him and into a dark room. I hear the door shut and I am honestly afraid. Just because he is well known doesn't mean he isn't some crazy killer. I start to search for things around me. Then the light flick on. I see we are in a very spacious bathroom. He walks Jessica over to a toilet, but a second too late she throws up all over his shoulder. His back is to me, but I can see chunks of food falling down his white shirt and jessicas face looking like she isn't finished. 

         I can't do any thing except watch as he turns around and faces me. My hand is clasped over my mouth. "Did she just throw up on me?" I nod my head slowly. The expression on his face is one that at anyother time would have made me pee my pants laughing, but right now I was so horrified that she was going to do it again all I could do was stare on in horror.

       "She isn't done."

       "Huh?" I rush over to him and help to get her to the toilet, but before she is there she goes for her round two all over me. 

        I look at her in a panic thinking 'did that really just happen.' She opens her eyes slightly and looks at me. "Hey Sara," She slurs. "When did you get here?" Then she looked down at my dress and her eyes widen. "Wait did I do that?" I nod my head. Then her eyes get even wider as she pulls away from me and stumbles the last three steps to the toilet before throwing up even more. I go over to her and grab her hair completely forgetting there is another person in the room until I hear the faucet turn on behind me.

           I turn around to see Harry Styles in only boxers cleaning his clothes in the sink with liquid hand soap.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2013 ⏰

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