Sufin- All's fair in love and war, right?

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Sweden stood in the kitchen washing a dish, the same one he'd been cleaning for an hour. Finland still wasn't home, the small Finnish man that Sweden thought of as his wife was supposed to be home an hour ago. The Swede wanted to scream, he wanted to march out the door and go searching for Tino, but he didn't. He kept his composure, and he stayed in the kitchen washing that dish.

The world meeting was going on for 20 minutes more and Sweden was really tired, so Finland (naturally took the mother role) offered to stay and fill in the Swede on what he missed. That was an hour ago, only an hour ago was Finland kissing Sweden for a quick goodbye, only an hour ago did Sweden go home to get a quick nap in. The Swede got his nap in, but once he awoke 30 minutes later and Finland was nowhere to be seen Sweden regretted his decision. Every bad thought of what could possibly ran through his head, from a small cut on his finger to Finland being kidnapped and killed. Sweden was worrying himself to death.

Once Sweden was about to break said dish when he saw headlights in the driveway, Finland had finally arrived home. Sweden set the dish down and opened the door before Tino unbuckled his seatbelt. Relief filled the Swede once he saw his loved one was unharmed. Finland got out of the car and rushed up to Sweden grabbing him in a hug, tears in his eyes. "It ran long Finland." "A bad fight broke out between Greece, Turkey and Japan, and everyone started picking sides. It's really serious, Russia (who joined Turkey) spoke about using all of his war gear, and Denmark (who along with Norway was joining Japan's side) said he would go back into 'Viking mode.'" "This  means?" Finland wiped the tears from his beautiful violet eyes with his hands before he spoke again to Sweden. "World War III."


Sweden already began to grab weapons to stash in who knows where. "Who should we join?" "Japan." "Japan it is," Finland grabbed his hidden gun from under the sink along with as many rounds as he could carry. "Japan probably has a base, do you think we should be there?" "Yes," Sweden replied as his pulled on a hat and placed a matching one on the Finnish man's head as well. The two known together as 'Sufin' began to walk down their dirt driveway to Japan's far away base.

After a while Finland started to get a bit impatient, occasionally asking the dreaded 'Are we there yet?' With Sweden glaring over at Finland each time.

Over all the trip took roughly 3 weeks with their pace. T'was Sweden who spotted Japan's (like, totally fabulous) base. The other nations that were gathered at Japan's base were as follows; Denmark, Norway, Prussia, Germany, South and North Italy, Spain, Canada, France, Ukraine and (obviously) Japan. They all were already talking battle plans amongst each other, Finland and Sweden didn't hesitate to join in on the Battle talk.

Japan came out of a tent and began to address the group with more plans of war, Greece and Turkey were not going to win easily. Japan had bombs, cannons, guns, tanks and plenty of grenades. Finland, Sweden, France and Prussia are manning a tank.


France was steering, Sweden on look out, and Prussia and Finland would shoot. Germany, Canada, South Italy and Spain were on Cannon duty. Denmark, Norway, N. Italy, Ukraine and Japan had the guns, bombs and Grenades. All of the teams were lined up on their respective side, Greece's Side on the right and Turkey's army on the left. The Frenchman was amazingly great at steering the tank, Finland found it very easy to shoot, the hard part was shooting his friends. It broke his heart and he wanted to cry, he saw Iceland behind a cannon on Turkey's side. His orders were to shoot anyone he saw that wasn't on Japan's side, but the small Finnish man couldn't bring himself to shoot down Iceland.

As he stared at Iceland he saw him fall to the ground, he had been shot. Panic filled his mind and he wanted to jump out of the tank and tend to Emil's wounds, Emil is family. Finland then knew who had shot him, Greece's side had been too preoccupied with America refusing to shoot at England, who was on Turkey's side. Prussia. Prussia had shot Iceland, Prussia followed the orders that Japan had set, he hadn't hesitated. Finland's motherly instinct kicked in hard, he found himself standing and stepping back from his shooting position. Tino didn't want to watch another of his friends die, he couldn't take it, Finland sat on the ground and hid. He didn't want to be responsible for killing someone else's loved one, it was taking all of Finland's limited self control not to strangle Prussia.

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