RusAme- Date Night

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  Alfred was nervous beyond belief, he pulled the little ring out of his pocket to stare at it again. Ivan probably won't even wear it, knowing him, but it was the thought that counted. "Are you ready yet Alfred?" Alfred perked his head up and jammed the ring back into his pocket before slamming the door open. "Of course I am," Ivan narrowed his eyes at Alfred's strange behaviour. "Where are we going anyway?"
  "That's for me to know and you to find out." Ivan rolled his eyes and let Alfred lead the way to the car, in which Alfred opened the door for Ivan.


  "We're here!" "Is this the-"

"-Park where we met? Yes." Ivan nodded with his eyes widened. Shit. He figured out what I'm doing didn't he. Well fuck me.

"Why are we here?" Ivan said with fake curiosity. "I thought I'd be romantic, fuck off my date spot." Ivan raised his arms in mock-surrender.

  The pair sat on a bench after a walk around the park. "We have t-" "I need to ask you something." They began at the same time. "You can go first," Alfred offered, his fear of rejection making him want to put it off for as long as possible. "We need to talk about things Alfred."

Shit. He found someone else didn't he.

"Go on."

"I found something out about myself, and I felt I needed to tell you."

"Mhm." The fear creeped up on Alfred faster than you threw up after Arthur's cooking.

"You're straight aren't you." Alfred blurted.

Ivan widened his eyes. "No. Let me finish."

Alfred let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry."

"I found out that I'm asexual."

"You're a sexual?" Ivan facepalmed.

"If you want sex you could've just said so. But I need to ask you something very important Ivan." Before Ivan could respond Alfred scrambled down from the bench and down onto one knee. "Alfred! Get up!" Ivan whisper-yelled, but it was too late, people already saw Alfred get down on his knee, they were whipping their phones out and cooing. "I met you here, in this park, 1 year ago today. And I want to start the next chapter of our lives in th-" "Alfred please, don't." Ivan tried to plead quietly again, he didn't want Alfred to be more humiliated.
  Alfred stopped and cocked his head to the side, there was already a crowd of people recording.

"I- when I said I was asexual that doesn't mean I want sex, it means the exact opposite. I didn't want to talk about this in front of other people, I don't want to embarrass you." Ivan was nearly in tears. "I-I always wondered why I never had that special spark everyone talked about. I thought it would come later, but I realised that it was because I'm asexual Alfred. I'm sorry, I just can't." Ivan had tears rolling down his face, and it started to pour at that moment. Ivan pushed past the crowd and ran.

Alfred dropped the ring on the ground after he went ridged. He realised he said asexual, not a sexual. Tears leaked out of his eyes and he pulled himself off the ground. The crowd of people that surrounded them disbanded and awkwardly backed away. He sat himself down on the bench and let the tears fall with the rain and he stared longingly at the ring on the ground. He heard Ivan's voice ring in his head again, 'I'm sorry, I just can't.'

I thought of this and I started talking to myself, "How will I ruin someone's day today?"

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