FrUk #2- Ice-Skating

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"I knew this wasn't a good idea," he muttered under his breath. His fingers were so numb he couldn't feel them anymore and his coat had no pockets. "Stupid, annoyingly attractive Frenchman." A shiver ran down his spine and his entire body shook.
Arthur went out with his boyfriend Francis to go ice-skating. Problem one; -23 C outside. Problem two- Arthur couldn't skate for his life. But Francis dragged him out here because he loves the cold and was amazing at ice-skating, he also assumed that Arthur was good at it.

Another shiver went down his spine as he put his foot onto the frozen-over lake, Francis had his hand out motioning for Arthur to skate to him. But Arthur could barely stand without wobbling. "Mom Cher? Are you coming?" Arthur scowled And tried to move his feet, which only resulted in him losing his balance and falling face-first on the ice.
He heard the sound of skates across the ice and Francis lifted him off the ice with an anxious look on his face. "You can skate can't you?" Arthur looked down and shook his head. With a smile Francis grabbed both of Arthur's hands and lead him across the lake gracefully. "Isn't this fun Arthur?" "Yes, it's quite enjoyable." Another smile spread across Francis' face and he let go of one of Arthur's hands. "Now, we try this."

The pair skated around the lake until Arthur got the hang of it and was skating on his own. He wasn't nearly as graceful as Francis was as Francis glided across the ice, but Arthur could move by himself.
He looked to the sky as he experimented with going a bit faster.

Without realising, Arthur had skated to the thinner ice of the lake.

It was too late before he noticed he was slipping, the ice cracked, and he was descending into the freezing water below. His eyes widened and he let out a squeak in fear.
He thrashed about trying to get back up, but he was far too cold even before falling in. His movements were getting slower and his body was locking up. This is it.

This is how I will die.

Tears were streaming down his face as he tried to swim upwards, but it wasn't working. His last hope, his mouth came out of the water long enough to yell "Francis!" Before he slipped under again and the vicious cycle continued.

Isn't there a smell that people smell before they die?

It's lemon isn't it?

Strange, I can smell cinnamon.

People say that their life flashes before they die, it's true.

All I can see is Francis, his face from different angles with different expressions.

I never should've held a grudge for so long.

I should've said I love you more.

I shoul-

Arms were pressed around his and he heard fearful wheezes. "Arthur!"


"Can you hear me?"

Arthur opened his eyes slowly and he was in Francis' arms. "Wasn't I drowning?" Francis let out a sigh of relief and pressed a kiss to Arthur's lips. "Non, not anymore mon cher." A small smile graced his lips as he stood and skated off the lake with Arthur in his arms bridal style.
Everything was moving so fast and before he realised it, he was on the couch with Francis holding his close. "You'll be alright Arthur."

Arthur snuggled closer to Francis. "I'm cold." Francis chuckled softly and nodded before leading them off the couch and to their room. "Let's get you some dry clothes."

They were back to cuddling on the couch as Francis played with Arthur's hair. "I love you."

"Je t'aime."

That wasn't half bad in my opinion. Not total garbage

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