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It was quiet, too quiet. Though, what can you expect? Just twelve hours prior a giant chakra beast, known as the Nine-tails, rampaged through a nearby village. This village that was currently in shambles and mourning is called Konohagakure. As well as getting attacked, this village lost a great leader, Minato, as well as this leader's wife, Kushina. He was their Hokage, the fourth to be exact. Thanks to his, and his wife's sacrifice they managed to save their village. They didn't leave without their mark on the world as well, leaving behind a beautiful baby boy, their son. They knew with their sacrifice, he would struggle, but the two knew he would thrive even when times were tough. If not grow from his struggles.

It wouldn't all be bad, though, he would have memories that would last forever. He would help, and nurture in ways only he could. Maybe his methods would be a bit unorthodox but, they would help none the less.

This is his story, but not his story alone, there is another. There are many key players in their story, some that would shake their world. Even bringing the boy to his knee's, but another would help him rise back up as he had done for them a time before.

Now you may be wondering what the name of this boy is. Well, his name is Naruto Uzumaki. For the other person, you are about to meet them now.


Feet hit the ground, virtually leaving no noise in their wake. No way to detect the person, they, who clutched a woven basket close to their chest. This, this was a very important package. One that this cloaked individual had to make sure was delivered. If not, all hope for their people was lost. Their time was already past its end, but they had to make sure to leave something behind. The last of their own. One had to survive and that's what this person intended.

Slowing their pace to a walk. The cloaked one had to make sure to keep what little presence they had left, was hidden. Looking around they made sure no one was around. Then their eyes went to the woven basket. A look of caring and love shown in crystal blue eyes.

Oh, how they longed to touch the contents of this basket. But if they had, all of their efforts would have been wasted. For they were cursed. It caused the ones damned with it to wither. The only way to gain this curse was to have been touched with care and love by another of the damned.

The maker was sure not to touch this precious cargo, as much as it killed them inside. They would not have it wither to dust like they would. The person soon stopped altogether, finally just within the distance of a devastated village, Konoha. It was the only safe place for this precious gift of life. Setting the basket down, they went on their knee's. Getting as close to the gift as they could, but still not touching. Smiling painfully, they brought their hand to their hood and pulled it down. At least once, they wanted this being made of all their people's ambition to see its maker.

As the hood fell, black and white tresses were released from their restraint. A woman, lovely at that. One with skin that looked as fragile as porcelain. Lips with the color of a perfectly, ripe peach. Hair that would remind one of the of the dead of night, tainted by light. Then, there were her eyes. They were as blue as the clearest ocean water.

Her time was almost up, and she had to make this quick. She could see the ends of her fingertips turning to a gray, ash-like color. Hastily, she took out a piece of paper and a ribbon. Scribbling quickly onto the paper. She poked a hole in the top. Then, threaded the ribbon through.

Tying off the ribbon on the basket she took one more glance at the cargo. Tears gathering in her eyes as she released a choked sob. This caused movement in the basket. The woman then had two nearly identical blue eyes staring back at her.

A giggle flooded the woman's ears, bringing a warm flutter to her heart. How she couldn't bear this, but she had to. Sniffling and rubbing her tears off her face with her hand she looked right back. Trying her hardest to put on her happiest face. How could she, though? She was about to leave the one thing she treasured most in this world, forcefully at that.

This is Who I Am (Naruto love story / NarutoxOC)Where stories live. Discover now