T r e d e c i m

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Okay, so I was tagged by flannorange18 to do this challenge, and since I have nothing better to do... Here it is.

Warning: This post may contain a lot of weirdness and wandering thoughts unsuitable for your brain's mental capacity

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Warning: This post may contain a lot of weirdness and wandering thoughts unsuitable for your brain's mental capacity.

T h i r t e e n f a c t s a b o u t me:

1.) Saying my thoughts out loud is a weird habit of mine.

You have no idea how many people thought I was crazy just because they saw me talking to myself like a weirdo out loud. For the record, I'm not crazy. Or maybe I am. You won't know. You live on the other side of the screen. I may be a serial killer for all you know. But yeah, sometimes I do talk to myself out loud. Don't judge.

2.) I have the attention span of a goldfish.

If you're talk to me about something serious, and I see a butterfly fluttering 5 feet away, expect me to run over there and follow the damn butterfly. I don't know why. It's both a blessing and an irritating habit of mine. When I feel thirsty and go to grab something to drink in the fridge and see a chocolate cake just waiting for it to be eaten, I forget about the water and just go grab the chocolate cake. After a few minutes of devouring the yummy dessert, I then remember the reason why I went to the fridge, thus making me go back there. And the whole cycle starts again. I really don't know why. It just happens.

3.) I want to travel the world.

I know it may be impossible to achieve, but hey, there's nothing wrong with dreaming right? I want to explore. I want to travel. I want to be able to find myself. Just the thought of me being able to travel somewhere exotic and beautiful is enough to make me fall to my knees.

4.) I fall in love with books easier than with humans.

Why? Maybe it's because of the amazing story, or the swoon-worthy male protagonist (Okay, partly.). Or maybe because it helps me escape the horridness of reality? It gives me the ability to transport myself in to different worlds and live in different dimensions. Or maybe it's because just the thought of a person baring part of their soul and writing it down into something enchanting is enough to make me admire their work of art?

5.) I quote Michael Faudet and Lang Leav. A lot.

If you know them you'll understand why. They're awesome and I love them. Enough said.

6.) Writing is a passion of mine.

When I was kid, I loved to read. As I grew older, I became more engulfed with the worlds they show. I suddenly became fascinated by the fact that you can create anything with just a simple pen and paper. You are the creator of your own world-your own reality. And that thought enough is the push I need to write.

7.) I am the defenition of YOLO.

Words cannot describe how many times I made descisions based on that saying. Binge-watch my favorite TV show on a school night? Sure, why not? YOLO. Confess my feelings to my crush? What if it goes wrong? Whatever. YOLO. Go take a stroll in the middle of the night? Well, the moon looks pretty. Okay, YOLO. And even though some of my choices may seem idiotic, it has made a lot whole difference in my life today. And I am grateful for that. But do know when it's time to draw the line.

8.) F.R.I.E.N.D.S is already a part of my life.

If you have not heard that TV show, I will cry for you. Ever since I was a kid, I was already addicted to that sitcom. It's amazing. I fell in love with Monica's cooking, and Rachel's fashion sense, and Phoebe's weirdness. I fell in love with Joey's addiction to food, and Ross' intelligence, and Chandler's humor. Everything about this show is awesome.

9.) l am a firm believer in fate.

This may just be the hopeless romantic side of me, but yeah. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Each people we meet is put there because they will affect and determine a certain part of your life, big or small. For me, nothing is coincidental. And I believe that when it's meant to be, it will be. In time.

10.) I am a memory hoarder.

I'm the type of person that can't throw away a movie ticket because it reminded me of the first time me and my bestfriend went out. I keep simple things like candy wrappers and little notes because they have a huge amount of sentimental value for me. I can't even delete a picture without feeling nostalgic.

11.) I always make a wish when I see the clock strike at 11:11.

I know it sounds lame, but what will I lose if I try, right? I've always been fascinated with that belief, and it led me to believe in it too. There's no harm in wishing for simple joys that'll bring you happiness.

12.) I still have a teddy bear beside me when I sleep.

Yes, I'm aware that I'm already 15. Yes, I talk to my teddy sometimes. Yes, I like to hug it when I sleep. And yes, he has a name (Mocha).

13.) Every night my mind wanders off to the thoughts of what could've been.

'What if I had done this?', 'I should've said that.', or 'What would happen if...' are the thoughts flooding my brain every night as I recall how my day went. I think about the what ifs, the should'ves and the could'ves. This is another habit of mine, though I tend not to dwell on the thoughts too much, since what's done is done.

There. I hope you enjoyed reading. You probably gave up on reading this half way through since it's too long. But hey, this is me.

I'm not gonna tag anyone, but if you want to do this, go on. It's actually fun.

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