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There were angels running around in a hospital. They wore doctor out fits from the 1700's. Many of them were covered in blood. A 13-year old Rose was walking down the hallway when a male angel called for her.

"Hey Rose, we've got a half dead demon in room 208." he said.

"Got it Michael." she said. She started to run up the stairs and opened the door. There was a black haired guy with a bunch of cuts on him. He was chained down to the bed in case he woke up. "Remember what Queen Ruby told you" Rose thought, "Get the brain and the heart and report to me as soon as possible." Rose picked up a knife and took a deep breath in.

Mean While A Couple of Miles Away...

A dagger was stabbed into a wooden table. A blonde demon that looked about 25 was angry at the group of six other demons.


The 13 year-old looking Mas answered, "He was reckless and thought he could fight them off by himself."


"Yes sir, I let people make their own mistakes."

The demon sighed. "Alright, new order, go in there and get and rescue Ron. Also, kill every angel in there." After that the team went to the hospital.

Back In the Hospital...

Rose was about to take the parts when she heard the main door burst open and people screaming. She opened the door and looked out to see angels running away in fear, some were going to fight. She grabbed her sword and gun then waited.

With the Demons...

Mas opened the door and started to slice angels in half with the others. Blood was flying everywhere. An angel ran up to Mas and cut him deep from his right side to his lung. Mas quickly killed the angel and moved upstairs and headed into a room.

Rose stood there looking at Mas. She watched as he fell to the floor for blood loss. She felt bad for him so she kneeled next to him and healed his wound. Mas just looked at her and just stared, then he realized Ron was there.

"Hey Mas, you ok in there?" a voice called out from the hallway.

Rose realized the danger and changed into a knife when Mas wasn't looking. Mas looked around the grabbed Ron then left.

The light began to fade then disappeared.

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